About us Looking for an accurate rating, not just any rating? Look no further than Peterman Ratings! At Peterman Ratings, we utilise an impartial, data-driven approach to generate just and precise ratings for an array of head-to-head win-loss sports, including tennis, badminton, squash, table tennis, padel, and pickleball. Our advanced statistical analysis caters to both singles and doubles matches. Whether you're a player of one or more of these sports, our ratings system can provide valuable insight into your skill level relative to other competitors at the local, state, national, or even international level. Even if you don't win trophies or prize money, you can earn Peterman points by competing! Club managers for any of these sports can also benefit from utilising Peterman Ratings, as our easy-to-use platform allows for accurate ratings and assessments of player performance and progress based on event results entered into the system. Competitors can be added to the system for one or more sports, and historical match results, player performance, seeding, and event eligibility are all meticulously tracked for convenience. Contact us to learn more about how Peterman Ratings can positively impact your sports community! At Peterman, we aspire to provide ratings for players of all levels, not just the elite. By comparing a player's standing to others who participate in competitive fixtures, we help individuals understand their place in the larger sports community. Our gradual development of each player's rating points profile facilitates objective-based selection of teams for challenges, rather than subjective opinions. Additionally, a rating-based system can attract other clubs to compete and create more legitimate challenge matches. As more recreational players appreciate the nuances of their sport, it becomes more engaging and entertaining. Increased popularity may also attract sponsors, thus promoting the sport further. It is crucial to note that ratings serve not only to boost individual egos but also to increase engagement, socialization, and publicity for recreational play. Great clubs need a great rating system! For a record of historical match results, player performance, seeding, and event eligibility, rely on Peterman Ratings. What is it Peterman Ratings is an automated rating system that provides sports clubs with accurate player ratings. Accessible from anywhere, it is easy to use and requires no additional software. It also serves as a content management system, providing information on events, matches, and results that are backed up daily. Unlike many other rating systems, Peterman Ratings is designed specifically for 1:1 Win-Loss sports such as singles and doubles. Traditional rating systems for these sports are often subjective and lack a statistical basis. Peterman Ratings, on the other hand, provides accurate ratings by tracking a player's progress as they play matches in pennants and tournaments. Every match entered is processed to compute the most accurate rating for the player or team. Peterman Ratings uses a Bayesian model that considers a player's playing history, recent events, and the strength of the opponents they faced to calculate the most accurate rating for each player. This approach makes the ratings distribution for top players more symmetrical and normal than those produced by other systems, which tend to be skewed. The system also gives points for sets won and the strength of the opponent faced, even if the player lost the match. It caters to both singles and doubles matches in all listed sports, and reports all team matchups involving the player on their individual profile page under "Player Teams". The system lists them in ascending order of rating uncertainty. Although Peterman Ratings is currently intended for grassroots-level individual sports, the system could be used for higher levels. Unlike the ATP/WTA ranking system, it does not award points based on the stage of the tournament or its prestige. The creators of the system believe that the use of a Bayesian model, rather than the Elo rating algorithm used by other rating systems, allows for more accurate ratings. In fact, the probability distributions of the three systems for the world's top men's tennis players in December 2022 show that Peterman Ratings produces almost symmetrical ratings, while the ATP and UTR systems have positive skews.