GCTTA Winter21 Div4 W7

Gold Coast Table Tennis


16 June 2021

Queensland, Australia

Phil Caldwell defeats Fred Plasier
Previous Rating: 1183 ±40 - 850 ±53
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1185 ±40 - 848 ±53
Set Score: 3 - 0
Ryuho Kobayashi defeats Martin Beckwith
Previous Rating: 939 ±48 - 1277 ±74
Rating Change: +23 - -54
New Rating: 962 ±47 - 1223 ±73
Set Score: 3 - 1
Neil Sainsbury defeats Phil Touliatos
Previous Rating: 1072 ±57 - 900 ±150
Rating Change: +9 - -58
New Rating: 1081 ±56 - 842 ±129
Set Score: 3 - 0
Ryuho Kobayashi defeats Fred Plasier
Previous Rating: 962 ±47 - 848 ±53
Rating Change: +9 - -13
New Rating: 971 ±46 - 835 ±51
Set Score: 3 - 0
Neil Sainsbury defeats Phil Caldwell
Previous Rating: 1081 ±56 - 1185 ±40
Rating Change: +17 - -9
New Rating: 1098 ±54 - 1176 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 2
Martin Beckwith defeats Phil Touliatos
Previous Rating: 1223 ±73 - 842 ±129
Rating Change: +2 - -7
New Rating: 1225 ±72 - 835 ±125
Set Score: 3 - 1
Ryuho Kobayashi defeats Neil Sainsbury
Previous Rating: 971 ±46 - 1098 ±54
Rating Change: +13 - -18
New Rating: 984 ±45 - 1080 ±52
Set Score: 3 - 2
Phil Touliatos defeats Fred Plasier
Previous Rating: 835 ±125 - 835 ±51
Rating Change: +84 - -14
New Rating: 919 ±108 - 821 ±50
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Caldwell defeats Martin Beckwith
Previous Rating: 1176 ±39 - 1225 ±72
Rating Change: +12 - -40
New Rating: 1188 ±39 - 1185 ±68
Set Score: 3 - 0
Rick Warwick defeats Emilio Ibarra
Previous Rating: 1073 ±53 - 689 ±59
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1075 ±53 - 687 ±59
Set Score: 3 - 0
Steve Wilks defeats Rahul Bhimra
Previous Rating: 889 ±60 - 818 ±56
Rating Change: +7 - -6
New Rating: 896 ±58 - 812 ±55
Set Score: 3 - 2
Shameem Tarafder defeats Andy Cloherty
Previous Rating: 1165 ±46 - 835 ±50
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1167 ±46 - 833 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 0
Rick Warwick defeats Rahul Bhimra
Previous Rating: 1075 ±53 - 812 ±55
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1077 ±52 - 810 ±54
Set Score: 3 - 1
Emilio Ibarra defeats Andy Cloherty
Previous Rating: 687 ±59 - 833 ±49
Rating Change: +27 - -19
New Rating: 714 ±57 - 814 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 1
Shameem Tarafder defeats Steve Wilks
Previous Rating: 1167 ±46 - 896 ±58
Rating Change: +1 - -3
New Rating: 1168 ±45 - 893 ±57
Set Score: 3 - 1
Rahul Bhimra defeats Andy Cloherty
Previous Rating: 810 ±54 - 814 ±48
Rating Change: +14 - -12
New Rating: 824 ±53 - 802 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 1
Shameem Tarafder defeats Rick Warwick
Previous Rating: 1168 ±45 - 1077 ±52
Rating Change: +6 - -8
New Rating: 1174 ±45 - 1069 ±51
Set Score: 3 - 1
Steve Wilks defeats Emilio Ibarra
Previous Rating: 893 ±57 - 714 ±57
Rating Change: +6 - -5
New Rating: 899 ±56 - 709 ±56
Set Score: 3 - 1
Chris King defeats Tony Rogers
Previous Rating: 982 ±49 - 955 ±43
Rating Change: +16 - -12
New Rating: 998 ±48 - 943 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jesse Wilson defeats Bill Constanti
Previous Rating: 1344 ±51 - 921 ±52
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 1345 ±50 - 920 ±52
Set Score: 3 - 0
Amy Zhu defeats Kotaro Isayama
Previous Rating: 1248 ±54 - 659 ±67
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 1248 ±54 - 659 ±66
Set Score: 3 - 0
Bill Constanti defeats Tony Rogers
Previous Rating: 920 ±52 - 943 ±42
Rating Change: +15 - -10
New Rating: 935 ±50 - 933 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 1
Kotaro Isayama defeats Chris King
Previous Rating: 659 ±66 - 998 ±48
Rating Change: +44 - -23
New Rating: 703 ±66 - 975 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 1
Jesse Wilson defeats Amy Zhu
Previous Rating: 1345 ±50 - 1248 ±54
Rating Change: +4 - -5
New Rating: 1349 ±50 - 1243 ±53
Set Score: 3 - 2
Bill Constanti defeats Kotaro Isayama
Previous Rating: 935 ±50 - 703 ±66
Rating Change: +5 - -8
New Rating: 940 ±49 - 695 ±63
Set Score: 3 - 0
Amy Zhu defeats Tony Rogers
Previous Rating: 1243 ±53 - 933 ±42
Rating Change: +3 - -2
New Rating: 1246 ±52 - 931 ±41
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jesse Wilson defeats Chris King
Previous Rating: 1349 ±50 - 975 ±48
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 1350 ±50 - 974 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 1
Theo Thomas defeats John Cook
Previous Rating: 1031 ±46 - 1041 ±46
Rating Change: +11 - -11
New Rating: 1042 ±45 - 1030 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 1
Steve McGinnes defeats Charlie Voges
Previous Rating: 932 ±69 - 892 ±45
Rating Change: +18 - -8
New Rating: 950 ±65 - 884 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 1
Robert Matheson defeats Mark Chapman Smith
Previous Rating: 1120 ±49 - 958 ±42
Rating Change: +4 - -4
New Rating: 1124 ±49 - 954 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 1
Steve McGinnes defeats John Cook
Previous Rating: 950 ±65 - 1030 ±45
Rating Change: +28 - -13
New Rating: 978 ±62 - 1017 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 1
Robert Matheson defeats Theo Thomas
Previous Rating: 1124 ±49 - 1042 ±45
Rating Change: +5 - -4
New Rating: 1129 ±48 - 1038 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 2
Mark Chapman Smith defeats Charlie Voges
Previous Rating: 954 ±42 - 884 ±44
Rating Change: +10 - -11
New Rating: 964 ±41 - 873 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Robert Matheson defeats Steve McGinnes
Previous Rating: 1129 ±48 - 978 ±62
Rating Change: +7 - -13
New Rating: 1136 ±47 - 965 ±60
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Cook defeats Mark Chapman Smith
Previous Rating: 1017 ±44 - 964 ±41
Rating Change: +8 - -6
New Rating: 1025 ±43 - 958 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 1
Theo Thomas defeats Charlie Voges
Previous Rating: 1038 ±45 - 873 ±43
Rating Change: +7 - -6
New Rating: 1045 ±44 - 867 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 0

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