Gold Coast Table Tennis


07 June 2021

Queensland, Australia

Tony Rogers defeats Rahul Bhimra
Previous Rating: 962 ±48 - 803 ±75
Rating Change: +8 - -18
New Rating: 970 ±47 - 785 ±71
Set Score: 3 - 0
Tiffany Shen defeats John Cook
Previous Rating: 1146 ±60 - 1076 ±50
Rating Change: +7 - -5
New Rating: 1153 ±59 - 1071 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 2
Geoff Badham defeats Bruce Fenton
Previous Rating: 617 ±75 - 777 ±56
Rating Change: +43 - -23
New Rating: 660 ±72 - 754 ±54
Set Score: 3 - 1
Rahul Bhimra defeats John Cook
Previous Rating: 785 ±71 - 1071 ±49
Rating Change: +48 - -23
New Rating: 833 ±69 - 1048 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 1
Tony Rogers defeats Geoff Badham
Previous Rating: 970 ±47 - 660 ±72
Rating Change: +2 - -5
New Rating: 972 ±47 - 655 ±70
Set Score: 3 - 0
Tiffany Shen defeats Bruce Fenton
Previous Rating: 1153 ±59 - 754 ±54
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 1154 ±58 - 752 ±54
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Cook defeats Geoff Badham
Previous Rating: 1048 ±49 - 655 ±70
Rating Change: +0 - -1
New Rating: 1048 ±49 - 654 ±69
Set Score: 3 - 1
Rahul Bhimra defeats Bruce Fenton
Previous Rating: 833 ±69 - 752 ±54
Rating Change: +23 - -14
New Rating: 856 ±66 - 738 ±52
Set Score: 3 - 0
Tiffany Shen defeats Tony Rogers
Previous Rating: 1154 ±58 - 972 ±47
Rating Change: +6 - -3
New Rating: 1160 ±57 - 969 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 1
Charlie Voges defeats Don Penlington
Previous Rating: 839 ±52 - 832 ±53
Rating Change: +18 - -20
New Rating: 857 ±50 - 812 ±52
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Slattery defeats Matthew Jones
Previous Rating: 1277 ±45 - 757 ±49
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 1277 ±45 - 757 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 0
Robert Matheson defeats Victor Bohl
Previous Rating: 1191 ±60 - 656 ±72
Rating Change: +0 - -1
New Rating: 1191 ±59 - 655 ±72
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Slattery defeats Charlie Voges
Previous Rating: 1277 ±45 - 857 ±50
Rating Change: +1 - +0
New Rating: 1278 ±45 - 857 ±50
Set Score: 3 - 0
Victor Bohl defeats Matthew Jones
Previous Rating: 655 ±72 - 757 ±49
Rating Change: +26 - -13
New Rating: 681 ±68 - 744 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 2
John Slattery defeats Robert Matheson
Previous Rating: 1278 ±45 - 1191 ±59
Rating Change: +10 - -17
New Rating: 1288 ±44 - 1174 ±57
Set Score: 3 - 0
Charlie Voges defeats Victor Bohl
Previous Rating: 857 ±50 - 681 ±68
Rating Change: +4 - -8
New Rating: 861 ±49 - 673 ±66
Set Score: 3 - 1
Don Penlington defeats Matthew Jones
Previous Rating: 812 ±52 - 744 ±48
Rating Change: +10 - -8
New Rating: 822 ±50 - 736 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 1
Robert Matheson defeats Don Penlington
Previous Rating: 1174 ±57 - 822 ±50
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1176 ±56 - 820 ±50
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mark Chapman Smith defeats Joseph Raben
Previous Rating: 949 ±48 - 841 ±50
Rating Change: +11 - -11
New Rating: 960 ±47 - 830 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Caldwell defeats Bill Constanti
Previous Rating: 1192 ±43 - 956 ±60
Rating Change: +0 - -2
New Rating: 1192 ±43 - 954 ±59
Set Score: 3 - 2
Phil Bryce defeats David Tuxford
Previous Rating: 1083 ±73 - 583 ±86
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 1084 ±73 - 581 ±86
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mark Chapman Smith defeats Bill Constanti
Previous Rating: 960 ±47 - 954 ±59
Rating Change: +10 - -17
New Rating: 970 ±46 - 937 ±57
Set Score: 3 - 1
Joseph Raben defeats David Tuxford
Previous Rating: 830 ±49 - 581 ±86
Rating Change: +4 - -13
New Rating: 834 ±48 - 568 ±81
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Caldwell defeats Phil Bryce
Previous Rating: 1192 ±43 - 1084 ±73
Rating Change: +5 - -14
New Rating: 1197 ±43 - 1070 ±70
Set Score: 3 - 1
Bill Constanti defeats David Tuxford
Previous Rating: 937 ±57 - 568 ±81
Rating Change: +2 - -4
New Rating: 939 ±57 - 564 ±80
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Bryce defeats Mark Chapman Smith
Previous Rating: 1070 ±70 - 970 ±46
Rating Change: +22 - -9
New Rating: 1092 ±66 - 961 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Caldwell defeats Joseph Raben
Previous Rating: 1197 ±43 - 834 ±48
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 1198 ±42 - 833 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 0
Chris King defeats Christine Lane
Previous Rating: 984 ±58 - 729 ±87
Rating Change: +3 - -7
New Rating: 987 ±57 - 722 ±85
Set Score: 3 - 1
Justin Oostenbroek defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 1130 ±91 - 718 ±47
Rating Change: +2 - -1
New Rating: 1132 ±90 - 717 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 1
Jane Lee defeats Tania Parveen
Previous Rating: 1011 ±44 - 788 ±65
Rating Change: +4 - -9
New Rating: 1015 ±44 - 779 ±63
Set Score: 3 - 0
Christine Lane defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 722 ±85 - 717 ±47
Rating Change: +45 - -14
New Rating: 767 ±78 - 703 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 0
Chris King defeats Tania Parveen
Previous Rating: 987 ±57 - 779 ±63
Rating Change: +8 - -10
New Rating: 995 ±56 - 769 ±61
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jane Lee defeats Justin Oostenbroek
Previous Rating: 1015 ±44 - 1132 ±90
Rating Change: +10 - -42
New Rating: 1025 ±43 - 1090 ±83
Set Score: 3 - 2
Tania Parveen defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 769 ±61 - 703 ±46
Rating Change: +13 - -7
New Rating: 782 ±59 - 696 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 1
Jane Lee defeats Christine Lane
Previous Rating: 1025 ±43 - 767 ±78
Rating Change: +1 - -3
New Rating: 1026 ±43 - 764 ±77
Set Score: 3 - 2
Justin Oostenbroek defeats Chris King
Previous Rating: 1090 ±83 - 995 ±56
Rating Change: +30 - -14
New Rating: 1120 ±77 - 981 ±54
Set Score: 3 - 0

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