ATP 250 Chile Open 2020

Tennis All Stars


26 February 2020

Region Metropolitana, Chile

Juan Pablo Varillas defeats Matias Gaedechens
Previous Rating: 2310 ±363 - 1500 ±500
Rating Change: +42 - -77
New Rating: 2352 ±346 - 1423 ±451
Set Score: 2 - 0
Martin Klizan defeats Vadym Ursu
Previous Rating: 2000 ±450 - 1550 ±500
Rating Change: +127 - -156
New Rating: 2127 ±402 - 1394 ±432
Set Score: 2 - 0
Filip Horansky defeats Gonzalo Lama
Previous Rating: 2204 ±178 - 1550 ±500
Rating Change: +13 - -101
New Rating: 2217 ±176 - 1449 ±429
Set Score: 2 - 0
Carlos Taberner defeats Andres Molteni
Previous Rating: 2431 ±172 - 1500 ±500
Rating Change: +6 - -45
New Rating: 2437 ±171 - 1455 ±460
Set Score: 2 - 0
Andrea Collarini defeats Martin Cuevas
Previous Rating: 1549 ±391 - 1600 ±500
Rating Change: +197 - -321
New Rating: 1746 ±343 - 1279 ±392
Set Score: 2 - 0
Renzo Olivo defeats Victor Nunez
Previous Rating: 1535 ±499 - 1500 ±500
Rating Change: +262 - -262
New Rating: 1797 ±416 - 1238 ±416
Set Score: 2 - 0
Pedro Sakamoto defeats Fernando Romboli
Previous Rating: 1500 ±500 - 1500 ±500
Rating Change: +272 - -272
New Rating: 1772 ±415 - 1228 ±415
Set Score: 2 - 0
Orlando Luz defeats Gonzalo Escobar
Previous Rating: 2201 ±267 - 1500 ±500
Rating Change: +28 - -93
New Rating: 2229 ±259 - 1407 ±438
Set Score: 2 - 0
Renzo Olivo defeats Juan Pablo Varillas
Previous Rating: 1797 ±416 - 2352 ±346
Rating Change: +458 - -317
New Rating: 2255 ±315 - 2035 ±291
Set Score: 2 - 0
Martin Klizan defeats Orlando Luz
Previous Rating: 2127 ±402 - 2229 ±259
Rating Change: +295 - -123
New Rating: 2422 ±304 - 2106 ±235
Set Score: 2 - 0
Filip Horansky defeats Pedro Sakamoto
Previous Rating: 2217 ±176 - 1772 ±415
Rating Change: +21 - -112
New Rating: 2238 ±171 - 1660 ±348
Set Score: 2 - 1
Carlos Taberner defeats Andrea Collarini
Previous Rating: 2437 ±171 - 1746 ±343
Rating Change: +7 - -30
New Rating: 2444 ±168 - 1716 ±319
Set Score: 2 - 0
Juan Ignacio Londero defeats Federico Coria
Previous Rating: 2664 ±103 - 2746 ±120
Rating Change: +48 - -66
New Rating: 2712 ±96 - 2680 ±109
Set Score: 2 - 0
Hugo Dellien defeats Marco Cecchinato
Previous Rating: 1890 ±250 - 2201 ±169
Rating Change: +259 - -119
New Rating: 2149 ±194 - 2082 ±153
Set Score: 2 - 1
Federico Delbonis defeats Martin Klizan
Previous Rating: 2509 ±135 - 2422 ±304
Rating Change: +32 - -161
New Rating: 2541 ±130 - 2261 ±237
Set Score: 2 - 0
Thiago Monteiro defeats Leonardo Mayer
Previous Rating: 2633 ±100 - 2055 ±173
Rating Change: +2 - -4
New Rating: 2635 ±100 - 2051 ±170
Set Score: 2 - 1
Marcelo Tomas Barrios Vera defeats Carlos Taberner
Previous Rating: 1600 ±500 - 2444 ±168
Rating Change: +877 - -99
New Rating: 2477 ±283 - 2345 ±162
Set Score: 2 - 1
Roberto Carballes Baena defeats Jaume Munar
Previous Rating: 2280 ±177 - 2373 ±150
Rating Change: +111 - -80
New Rating: 2391 ±152 - 2293 ±136
Set Score: 2 - 1
Salvatore Caruso defeats Jozef Kovalik
Previous Rating: 2235 ±148 - 2576 ±144
Rating Change: +140 - -133
New Rating: 2375 ±132 - 2443 ±129
Set Score: 2 - 0
Alejandro Davidovich Fokina defeats Andrej Martin
Previous Rating: 2401 ±148 - 2713 ±115
Rating Change: +146 - -87
New Rating: 2547 ±130 - 2626 ±107
Set Score: 2 - 1
Renzo Olivo defeats Pedro Sousa
Previous Rating: 2255 ±315 - 2727 ±135
Rating Change: +440 - -81
New Rating: 2695 ±215 - 2646 ±129
Set Score: 2 - 1
Thiago Seyboth Wild defeats Facundo Bagnis
Previous Rating: 2377 ±217 - 2672 ±143
Rating Change: +224 - -98
New Rating: 2601 ±173 - 2574 ±132
Set Score: 2 - 1
Alejandro Tabilo defeats Paolo Lorenzi
Previous Rating: 2256 ±312 - 2193 ±204
Rating Change: +167 - -71
New Rating: 2423 ±251 - 2122 ±188
Set Score: 2 - 0
Juan Pablo Varillas defeats Filip Horansky
Previous Rating: 2035 ±291 - 2238 ±171
Rating Change: +260 - -91
New Rating: 2295 ±219 - 2147 ±158
Set Score: 2 - 0
Cristian Garin defeats Alejandro Davidovich Fokina
Previous Rating: 2947 ±80 - 2547 ±130
Rating Change: +2 - -7
New Rating: 2949 ±80 - 2540 ±127
Set Score: 2 - 1
Casper Ruud defeats Alejandro Tabilo
Previous Rating: 2853 ±98 - 2423 ±251
Rating Change: +5 - -34
New Rating: 2858 ±97 - 2389 ±229
Set Score: 2 - 0
Albert Ramos defeats Juan Pablo Varillas
Previous Rating: 2574 ±117 - 2295 ±219
Rating Change: +15 - -49
New Rating: 2589 ±114 - 2246 ±195
Set Score: 2 - 0
Renzo Olivo defeats Pablo Cuevas
Previous Rating: 2695 ±215 - 2585 ±98
Rating Change: +91 - -19
New Rating: 2786 ±179 - 2566 ±95
Set Score: 2 - 1
Thiago Seyboth Wild defeats Juan Ignacio Londero
Previous Rating: 2601 ±173 - 2712 ±96
Rating Change: +126 - -38
New Rating: 2727 ±144 - 2674 ±91
Set Score: 2 - 0
Hugo Dellien defeats Marcelo Tomas Barrios Vera
Previous Rating: 2149 ±194 - 2477 ±283
Rating Change: +138 - -293
New Rating: 2287 ±174 - 2184 ±216
Set Score: 2 - 0
Federico Delbonis defeats Salvatore Caruso
Previous Rating: 2541 ±130 - 2375 ±132
Rating Change: +29 - -29
New Rating: 2570 ±121 - 2346 ±123
Set Score: 2 - 0
Thiago Monteiro defeats Roberto Carballes Baena
Previous Rating: 2635 ±100 - 2391 ±152
Rating Change: +12 - -27
New Rating: 2647 ±97 - 2364 ±141
Set Score: 2 - 0
Casper Ruud defeats Federico Delbonis
Previous Rating: 2858 ±97 - 2570 ±121
Rating Change: +8 - -12
New Rating: 2866 ±94 - 2558 ±116
Set Score: 2 - 0
Albert Ramos defeats Thiago Monteiro
Previous Rating: 2589 ±114 - 2647 ±97
Rating Change: +56 - -42
New Rating: 2645 ±103 - 2605 ±91
Set Score: 2 - 0
Renzo Olivo defeats Hugo Dellien
Previous Rating: 2786 ±179 - 2287 ±174
Rating Change: +11 - -11
New Rating: 2797 ±173 - 2276 ±169
Set Score: 2 - 1
Casper Ruud defeats Albert Ramos
Previous Rating: 2866 ±94 - 2645 ±103
Rating Change: +12 - -13
New Rating: 2878 ±91 - 2632 ±99
Set Score: 2 - 0
Thiago Seyboth Wild defeats Renzo Olivo
Previous Rating: 2727 ±144 - 2797 ±173
Rating Change: +71 - -103
New Rating: 2798 ±130 - 2694 ±149
Set Score: 2 - 0
Thiago Seyboth Wild defeats Casper Ruud
Previous Rating: 2798 ±130 - 2878 ±91
Rating Change: +76 - -38
New Rating: 2874 ±115 - 2840 ±86
Set Score: 2 - 1

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