Davis Cup Qualifiers 2020

Tennis All Stars


07 March 2020

Zagrebacka, Croatia (Hrvatska)

Markus Eriksson defeats Marcelo Tomas Barrios Vera
Robert Lindstedt Alejandro Tabilo
Previous Rating: 1500 ±325 - 2344 ±175
Rating Change: +652 - -189
New Rating: 2152 ±226 - 2155 ±161
Set Score: 2 - 0
Oliver Marach defeats Ariel Behar
Jurgen Melzer Pablo Cuevas
Previous Rating: 1706 ±181 - 1799 ±205
Rating Change: +94 - -115
New Rating: 1800 ±163 - 1684 ±177
Set Score: 2 - 1
Gonzalo Escobar defeats Ben McLachlan
Diego Hidalgo Yasutaka Uchiyama
Previous Rating: 1503 ±419 - 1784 ±289
Rating Change: +405 - -192
New Rating: 1908 ±308 - 1592 ±255
Set Score: 2 - 0
Kevin Krawietz defeats Ilya Ivashka
Andreas Mies Andrei Vasilevski
Previous Rating: 2397 ±75 - 1999 ±274
Rating Change: +5 - -62
New Rating: 2402 ±76 - 1937 ±237
Set Score: 2 - 0
Andrey Golubev defeats Robin Haase
Aleksandr Nedovyesov Jean-Julien Rojer
Previous Rating: 1550 ±375 - 1857 ±313
Rating Change: +351 - -245
New Rating: 1901 ±290 - 1612 ±266
Set Score: 2 - 0
Filip Polasek defeats Jonas Forejtek
Igor Zelenay Zdenek Kolar
Previous Rating: 1400 ±350 - 1600 ±400
Rating Change: +244 - -318
New Rating: 1644 ±296 - 1282 ±316
Set Score: 2 - 0
Bob Bryan defeats Sanjar Fayziev
Mike Bryan Denis Istomin
Previous Rating: 2323 ±145 - 1672 ±428
Rating Change: +9 - -78
New Rating: 2332 ±144 - 1594 ±372
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcelo Demoliner defeats James Duckworth
Felipe Meligeni Alves John Peers
Previous Rating: 1450 ±448 - 2067 ±263
Rating Change: +568 - -196
New Rating: 2018 ±305 - 1871 ±237
Set Score: 2 - 1
Simone Bolelli defeats Ji Sung Nam
Fabio Fognini Min-Kyu Song
Previous Rating: 2356 ±193 - 2025 ±259
Rating Change: +42 - -71
New Rating: 2398 ±182 - 1954 ±229
Set Score: 2 - 0
Rohan Bopanna defeats Mate Pavic
Leander Paes Franko Skugor
Previous Rating: 1400 ±350 - 1400 ±350
Rating Change: +171 - -171
New Rating: 1571 ±296 - 1229 ±296
Set Score: 2 - 1
Sander Gille defeats Attila Balazs
Joran Vliegen Marton Fucsovics
Previous Rating: 1957 ±108 - 2778 ±145
Rating Change: +119 - -213
New Rating: 2076 ±107 - 2565 ±141
Set Score: 2 - 1
Juan Sebastian Cabal defeats Maximo Gonzalez
Robert Farah Horacio Zeballos
Previous Rating: 2347 ±99 - 1400 ±350
Rating Change: +1 - -5
New Rating: 2348 ±100 - 1395 ±343
Set Score: 2 - 1

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