Cordoba Open Round Of 16

Tennis All Stars


06 February 2020

Cordoba, Argentina

Diego Schwartzman defeats Jaume Munar
Previous Rating: 2989 ±103 - 2338 ±193
Rating Change: +1 - -4
New Rating: 2990 ±103 - 2334 ±190
Set Score: 2 - 0
Corentin Moutet defeats Guido Pella
Previous Rating: 3035 ±116 - 2736 ±136
Rating Change: +11 - -16
New Rating: 3046 ±113 - 2720 ±130
Set Score: 2 - 1
Cristian Garin defeats Attila Balazs
Previous Rating: 2633 ±127 - 2777 ±238
Rating Change: +57 - -196
New Rating: 2690 ±120 - 2581 ±185
Set Score: 2 - 0
Laslo Djere defeats Pedro Martinez
Previous Rating: 2610 ±147 - 2644 ±239
Rating Change: +58 - -150
New Rating: 2668 ±138 - 2494 ±192
Set Score: 2 - 0
Albert Ramos defeats Pablo Andujar
Previous Rating: 2702 ±155 - 2513 ±170
Rating Change: +36 - -43
New Rating: 2738 ±144 - 2470 ±155
Set Score: 2 - 1
Pablo Cuevas defeats Gianluca Mager
Previous Rating: 2493 ±155 - 2713 ±198
Rating Change: +103 - -169
New Rating: 2596 ±139 - 2544 ±164
Set Score: 2 - 1
Juan Ignacio Londero defeats Pedro Cachin
Previous Rating: 2563 ±200 - 2230 ±368
Rating Change: +35 - -117
New Rating: 2598 ±191 - 2113 ±307
Set Score: 2 - 0
Andrej Martin defeats Carlos Taberner
Previous Rating: 2587 ±234 - 2863 ±234
Rating Change: +194 - -193
New Rating: 2781 ±196 - 2670 ±196
Set Score: 2 - 0

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