Davis Cup Qualifiers USA

Tennis All Stars


06 March 2020

Hawaii, United States of America

Reilly Opelka defeats Denis Istomin
Previous Rating: 2940 ±99 - 1850 ±268
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 2940 ±99 - 1850 ±266
Set Score: 2 - 0
Tommy Paul defeats Denis Istomin
Previous Rating: 2830 ±93 - 1850 ±266
Rating Change: +0 - -2
New Rating: 2830 ±93 - 1848 ±264
Set Score: 2 - 0
Taylor Fritz defeats Sanjar Fayziev
Previous Rating: 2909 ±90 - 1500 ±500
Rating Change: +0 - -7
New Rating: 2909 ±90 - 1493 ±489
Set Score: 2 - 0

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