Davis Cup Qualifiers CRO

Tennis All Stars


06 March 2020

Zagrebacka, Croatia (Hrvatska)

Borno Gojo defeats Prajnesh Gunneswaran
Previous Rating: 1600 ±500 - 1996 ±218
Rating Change: +531 - -101
New Rating: 2131 ±327 - 1895 ±206
Set Score: 2 - 1
Marin Cilic defeats Ramkumar Ramanathan
Previous Rating: 2913 ±95 - 1680 ±421
Rating Change: +0 - -6
New Rating: 2913 ±95 - 1674 ±412
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marin Cilic defeats Sumit Nagal
Previous Rating: 2913 ±95 - 2001 ±331
Rating Change: +1 - -9
New Rating: 2914 ±95 - 1992 ±321
Set Score: 2 - 0

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