Cordoba Open Qualifiers

Tennis All Stars


02 February 2020

Cordoba, Argentina

Facundo Bagnis defeats Mario Martinez Vilella
Previous Rating: 2200 ±400 - 1776 ±474
Rating Change: +107 - -149
New Rating: 2307 ±362 - 1627 ±407
Set Score: 2 - 1
Juan Pablo Ficovich defeats Joao Sousa
Previous Rating: 1800 ±500 - 2325 ±222
Rating Change: +634 - -125
New Rating: 2434 ±317 - 2200 ±209
Set Score: 2 - 0
Juan Pablo Varillas defeats Thiago Seyboth Wild
Previous Rating: 2200 ±400 - 1800 ±500
Rating Change: +110 - -171
New Rating: 2310 ±363 - 1629 ±423
Set Score: 2 - 0
Facundo Diaz Acosta defeats Alessandro Giannessi
Previous Rating: 1600 ±550 - 2000 ±450
Rating Change: +486 - -325
New Rating: 2086 ±419 - 1675 ±382
Set Score: 2 - 1
Federico Gaio defeats Facundo Mena
Previous Rating: 2200 ±400 - 1600 ±550
Rating Change: +79 - -147
New Rating: 2279 ±372 - 1453 ±472
Set Score: 2 - 0
Pedro Martinez defeats Renzo Olivo
Previous Rating: 2554 ±271 - 1600 ±550
Rating Change: +16 - -65
New Rating: 2570 ±266 - 1535 ±499
Set Score: 2 - 1
Filip Horansky defeats Andrea Collarini
Previous Rating: 2000 ±450 - 1800 ±500
Rating Change: +182 - -223
New Rating: 2182 ±392 - 1577 ±417
Set Score: 2 - 0
Carlos Taberner defeats Joao Domingues
Previous Rating: 2000 ±450 - 2000 ±450
Rating Change: +244 - -244
New Rating: 2244 ±375 - 1756 ±375
Set Score: 2 - 1
Facundo Bagnis defeats Federico Gaio
Previous Rating: 2307 ±362 - 2279 ±372
Rating Change: +182 - -193
New Rating: 2489 ±307 - 2086 ±312
Set Score: 2 - 0
Pedro Martinez defeats Facundo Diaz Acosta
Previous Rating: 2570 ±266 - 2086 ±419
Rating Change: +43 - -106
New Rating: 2613 ±252 - 1980 ±361
Set Score: 2 - 0
Juan Pablo Ficovich defeats Filip Horansky
Previous Rating: 2434 ±317 - 2182 ±392
Rating Change: +99 - -150
New Rating: 2533 ±286 - 2032 ±330
Set Score: 2 - 1

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