ATP 500 Rio Open by Claro

Tennis All Stars


17 February 2020

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Salvatore Caruso defeats Hugo Dellien
Federico Gaio Leonardo Mayer
Previous Rating: 2081 ±200 - 2129 ±214
Rating Change: +105 - -120
New Rating: 2186 ±175 - 2009 ±183
Set Score: 2 - 0
Attila Balazs defeats Joao Menezes
Fernando Romboli Thiago Seyboth Wild
Previous Rating: 1923 ±305 - 2153 ±277
Rating Change: +239 - -198
New Rating: 2162 ±248 - 1955 ±235
Set Score: 2 - 1
Salvatore Caruso defeats Attila Balazs
Federico Gaio Fernando Romboli
Previous Rating: 2186 ±175 - 2162 ±248
Rating Change: +67 - -132
New Rating: 2253 ±161 - 2030 ±204
Set Score: 2 - 0
Orlando Luz defeats Juan Sebastian Cabal
Rafael Matos Robert Farah
Previous Rating: 1803 ±367 - 2350 ±119
Rating Change: +557 - -62
New Rating: 2360 ±232 - 2288 ±121
Set Score: 2 - 1
Lukasz Kubot defeats Attila Balazs
Marcelo Melo Fernando Romboli
Previous Rating: 2396 ±87 - 2030 ±204
Rating Change: +6 - -27
New Rating: 2402 ±87 - 2003 ±188
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcel Granollers defeats Juan Ignacio Londero
Horacio Zeballos Albert Ramos
Previous Rating: 2450 ±89 - 2625 ±144
Rating Change: +44 - -114
New Rating: 2494 ±85 - 2511 ±124
Set Score: 2 - 0
Mate Pavic defeats Andres Molteni
Bruno Soares Lorenzo Sonego
Previous Rating: 2359 ±104 - 2019 ±340
Rating Change: +10 - -99
New Rating: 2369 ±103 - 1920 ±282
Set Score: 2 - 1
Salvatore Caruso defeats Ariel Behar
Federico Gaio Gonzalo Escobar
Previous Rating: 2253 ±161 - 2026 ±175
Rating Change: +33 - -40
New Rating: 2286 ±149 - 1986 ±161
Set Score: 2 - 0
Maximo Gonzalez defeats Pablo Andujar
Fabrice Martin Roberto Carballes Baena
Previous Rating: 2453 ±108 - 2458 ±180
Rating Change: +35 - -97
New Rating: 2488 ±102 - 2361 ±151
Set Score: 2 - 0
Roman Jebavy defeats Marcelo Demoliner
Igor Zelenay Matwe Middelkoop
Previous Rating: 1850 ±180 - 2419 ±86
Rating Change: +279 - -65
New Rating: 2129 ±158 - 2354 ±84
Set Score: 2 - 1
Felipe Meligeni Alves defeats Sander Gille
Thiago Monteiro Joran Vliegen
Previous Rating: 2042 ±341 - 1977 ±113
Rating Change: +203 - -23
New Rating: 2245 ±253 - 1954 ±110
Set Score: 2 - 1
Lukasz Kubot defeats Roman Jebavy
Marcelo Melo Igor Zelenay
Previous Rating: 2402 ±87 - 2129 ±158
Rating Change: +7 - -25
New Rating: 2409 ±86 - 2104 ±146
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcel Granollers defeats Maximo Gonzalez
Horacio Zeballos Fabrice Martin
Previous Rating: 2494 ±85 - 2488 ±102
Rating Change: +27 - -39
New Rating: 2521 ±80 - 2449 ±94
Set Score: 2 - 1
Salvatore Caruso defeats Mate Pavic
Federico Gaio Bruno Soares
Previous Rating: 2286 ±149 - 2369 ±103
Rating Change: +92 - -45
New Rating: 2378 ±129 - 2324 ±97
Set Score: 2 - 1
Felipe Meligeni Alves defeats Orlando Luz
Thiago Monteiro Rafael Matos
Previous Rating: 2245 ±253 - 2360 ±232
Rating Change: +167 - -139
New Rating: 2412 ±211 - 2221 ±200
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcel Granollers defeats Felipe Meligeni Alves
Horacio Zeballos Thiago Monteiro
Previous Rating: 2521 ±80 - 2412 ±211
Rating Change: +13 - -90
New Rating: 2534 ±79 - 2322 ±175
Set Score: 2 - 0
Salvatore Caruso defeats Lukasz Kubot
Federico Gaio Marcelo Melo
Previous Rating: 2378 ±129 - 2409 ±86
Rating Change: +66 - -29
New Rating: 2444 ±114 - 2380 ±81
Set Score: 2 - 1
Marcel Granollers defeats Salvatore Caruso
Horacio Zeballos Federico Gaio
Previous Rating: 2534 ±79 - 2444 ±114
Rating Change: +15 - -34
New Rating: 2549 ±76 - 2410 ±105
Set Score: 2 - 1

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