ATP 250 Argentina Open

Tennis All Stars


12 February 2020

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Marcel Granollers defeats Ariel Behar
Horacio Zeballos Gonzalo Escobar
Previous Rating: 2377 ±102 - 2055 ±191
Rating Change: +9 - -29
New Rating: 2386 ±101 - 2026 ±175
Set Score: 2 - 0
Pablo Andujar defeats Maximo Gonzalez
Pedro Martinez Fabrice Martin
Previous Rating: 2594 ±164 - 2479 ±113
Rating Change: +56 - -26
New Rating: 2650 ±145 - 2453 ±108
Set Score: 2 - 0
Sander Gille defeats Andrea Collarini
Joran Vliegen Federico Coria
Previous Rating: 1937 ±125 - 2198 ±264
Rating Change: +62 - -276
New Rating: 1999 ±118 - 1922 ±195
Set Score: 2 - 1
Marcelo Demoliner defeats Marco Cecchinato
Matwe Middelkoop Albert Ramos
Previous Rating: 2369 ±103 - 2360 ±175
Rating Change: +32 - -91
New Rating: 2401 ±98 - 2269 ±148
Set Score: 2 - 0
Pablo Cuevas defeats Leonardo Mayer
Hugo Dellien Andres Molteni
Previous Rating: 2356 ±164 - 2304 ±157
Rating Change: +65 - -59
New Rating: 2421 ±146 - 2245 ±142
Set Score: 2 - 0
Guillermo Duran defeats Salvatore Caruso
Juan Ignacio Londero Lorenzo Sonego
Previous Rating: 1852 ±218 - 2474 ±169
Rating Change: +323 - -194
New Rating: 2175 ±179 - 2280 ±151
Set Score: 2 - 0
Thiago Monteiro defeats Facundo Diaz Acosta
Fernando Romboli Carlos Taberner
Previous Rating: 1781 ±255 - 2118 ±287
Rating Change: +210 - -268
New Rating: 1991 ±216 - 1850 ±230
Set Score: 2 - 1
Jaume Munar defeats Facundo Bagnis
Casper Ruud Federico Delbonis
Previous Rating: 2566 ±161 - 2566 ±174
Rating Change: +71 - -83
New Rating: 2637 ±144 - 2483 ±152
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcel Granollers defeats Thiago Monteiro
Horacio Zeballos Fernando Romboli
Previous Rating: 2386 ±101 - 1991 ±216
Rating Change: +6 - -27
New Rating: 2392 ±99 - 1964 ±199
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcelo Demoliner defeats Jaume Munar
Matwe Middelkoop Casper Ruud
Previous Rating: 2401 ±98 - 2637 ±144
Rating Change: +59 - -127
New Rating: 2460 ±93 - 2510 ±125
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcel Granollers defeats Marcelo Demoliner
Horacio Zeballos Matwe Middelkoop
Previous Rating: 2392 ±99 - 2460 ±93
Rating Change: +46 - -41
New Rating: 2438 ±92 - 2419 ±86
Set Score: 2 - 0
Guillermo Duran defeats Sander Gille
Juan Ignacio Londero Joran Vliegen
Previous Rating: 2175 ±179 - 1999 ±118
Rating Change: +51 - -22
New Rating: 2226 ±159 - 1977 ±113
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcel Granollers defeats Guillermo Duran
Horacio Zeballos Juan Ignacio Londero
Previous Rating: 2438 ±92 - 2226 ±159
Rating Change: +12 - -35
New Rating: 2450 ±89 - 2191 ±145
Set Score: 2 - 1

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