ATP 250 Cordoba Open 2020

Tennis All Stars


08 February 2020

Cordoba, Argentina

Maximo Gonzalez defeats Pablo Andujar
Fabrice Martin Horacio Zeballos
Previous Rating: 2553 ±120 - 1976 ±259
Rating Change: +5 - -18
New Rating: 2558 ±119 - 1958 ±245
Set Score: 2 - 0
Ariel Behar defeats Sander Gille
Gonzalo Escobar Joran Vliegen
Previous Rating: 1403 ±419 - 1998 ±128
Rating Change: +645 - -61
New Rating: 2048 ±251 - 1937 ±125
Set Score: 2 - 1
Marcelo Demoliner defeats Pedro Cachin
Matwe Middelkoop Juan Pablo Ficovich
Previous Rating: 2170 ±128 - 2257 ±323
Rating Change: +40 - -254
New Rating: 2210 ±123 - 2003 ±234
Set Score: 2 - 0
Leonardo Mayer defeats Guillermo Duran
Andres Molteni Juan Ignacio Londero
Previous Rating: 1718 ±359 - 2009 ±244
Rating Change: +339 - -157
New Rating: 2057 ±268 - 1852 ±218
Set Score: 2 - 1
Facundo Bagnis defeats Pablo Cuevas
Guido Pella Hugo Dellien
Previous Rating: 2617 ±166 - 2399 ±179
Rating Change: +36 - -43
New Rating: 2653 ±154 - 2356 ±164
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marco Cecchinato defeats Treat Huey
Albert Ramos Nathaniel Lammons
Previous Rating: 2357 ±176 - 1400 ±350
Rating Change: +3 - -9
New Rating: 2360 ±175 - 1391 ±340
Set Score: 2 - 1
Federico Gaio defeats Federico Coria
Pedro Martinez Cristian Garin
Previous Rating: 2217 ±196 - 2815 ±145
Rating Change: +288 - -157
New Rating: 2505 ±166 - 2658 ±133
Set Score: 2 - 0
Marcelo Demoliner defeats Federico Gaio
Matwe Middelkoop Pedro Martinez
Previous Rating: 2210 ±123 - 2505 ±166
Rating Change: +90 - -163
New Rating: 2300 ±113 - 2342 ±141
Set Score: 2 - 0
Ariel Behar defeats Thiago Monteiro
Gonzalo Escobar Fernando Romboli
Previous Rating: 2048 ±251 - 1907 ±301
Rating Change: +89 - -126
New Rating: 2137 ±225 - 1781 ±255
Set Score: 2 - 1
Marcelo Demoliner defeats Ariel Behar
Matwe Middelkoop Gonzalo Escobar
Previous Rating: 2300 ±113 - 2137 ±225
Rating Change: +21 - -82
New Rating: 2321 ±109 - 2055 ±191
Set Score: 2 - 0
Leonardo Mayer defeats Maximo Gonzalez
Andres Molteni Fabrice Martin
Previous Rating: 2057 ±268 - 2558 ±119
Rating Change: +399 - -79
New Rating: 2456 ±193 - 2479 ±113
Set Score: 2 - 1
Marcelo Demoliner defeats Leonardo Mayer
Matwe Middelkoop Andres Molteni
Previous Rating: 2321 ±109 - 2456 ±193
Rating Change: +48 - -152
New Rating: 2369 ±103 - 2304 ±157
Set Score: 2 - 0

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