ATP 250 Adelaide International

Tennis All Stars


18 January 2020

South Australia, Australia

Lukasz Kubot defeats Raven Klaasen
Marcelo Melo Oliver Marach
Previous Rating: 2465 ±88 - 1400 ±350
Rating Change: +1 - -3
New Rating: 2466 ±94 - 1397 ±345
Set Score: 2 - 0
Wesley Koolhof defeats Kevin Krawietz
Nikola Mektic Andreas Mies
Previous Rating: 1400 ±350 - 2499 ±93
Rating Change: +885 - -63
New Rating: 2285 ±231 - 2436 ±92
Set Score: 2 - 0
Ivan Dodig defeats Chris Guccione
Filip Polasek Robert Lindstedt
Previous Rating: 2407 ±89 - 1400 ±350
Rating Change: +2 - -5
New Rating: 2409 ±94 - 1395 ±343
Set Score: 2 - 0
Cristian Garin defeats Lleyton Hewitt
Juan Ignacio Londero Jordan Thompson
Previous Rating: 2784 ±135 - 2138 ±257
Rating Change: +3 - -13
New Rating: 2787 ±133 - 2125 ±247
Set Score: 2 - 1
Maximo Gonzalez defeats Alex Bolt
Fabrice Martin Alexei Popyrin
Previous Rating: 1400 ±350 - 2452 ±179
Rating Change: +770 - -201
New Rating: 2170 ±239 - 2251 ±166
Set Score: 2 - 0
Jurgen Melzer defeats G. Harris
Edouard Roger-Vasselin John-Patrick Smith
Previous Rating: 1627 ±290 - 2067 ±315
Rating Change: +275 - -317
New Rating: 1902 ±242 - 1750 ±252
Set Score: 2 - 0
Jamie Murray defeats Marcelo Demoliner
Neal Skupski Matwe Middelkoop
Previous Rating: 2395 ±121 - 2266 ±148
Rating Change: +33 - -43
New Rating: 2428 ±118 - 2223 ±135
Set Score: 2 - 1
Rajeev Ram defeats Roman Jebavy
Joe Salisbury Igor Zelenay
Previous Rating: 2452 ±86 - 1969 ±215
Rating Change: +5 - -15
New Rating: 2457 ±91 - 1954 ±206
Set Score: 2 - 0
Maximo Gonzalez defeats Lukasz Kubot
Fabrice Martin Marcelo Melo
Previous Rating: 2170 ±239 - 2466 ±94
Rating Change: +275 - -42
New Rating: 2445 ±177 - 2424 ±90
Set Score: 2 - 0
Ivan Dodig defeats Cristian Garin
Filip Polasek Juan Ignacio Londero
Previous Rating: 2409 ±94 - 2787 ±133
Rating Change: +71 - -142
New Rating: 2480 ±90 - 2645 ±121
Set Score: 2 - 0
Jamie Murray defeats Jurgen Melzer
Neal Skupski Edouard Roger-Vasselin
Previous Rating: 2428 ±118 - 1902 ±242
Rating Change: +5 - -20
New Rating: 2433 ±116 - 1882 ±229
Set Score: 2 - 1
Rajeev Ram defeats Wesley Koolhof
Joe Salisbury Nikola Mektic
Previous Rating: 2457 ±91 - 2285 ±231
Rating Change: +13 - -83
New Rating: 2470 ±89 - 2202 ±193
Set Score: 2 - 0
Maximo Gonzalez defeats Rajeev Ram
Fabrice Martin Joe Salisbury
Previous Rating: 2445 ±177 - 2470 ±89
Rating Change: +103 - -27
New Rating: 2548 ±147 - 2443 ±85
Set Score: 2 - 0
Ivan Dodig defeats Jamie Murray
Filip Polasek Neal Skupski
Previous Rating: 2480 ±90 - 2433 ±116
Rating Change: +25 - -41
New Rating: 2505 ±85 - 2392 ±106
Set Score: 2 - 1
Maximo Gonzalez defeats Ivan Dodig
Fabrice Martin Filip Polasek
Previous Rating: 2548 ±147 - 2505 ±85
Rating Change: +63 - -22
New Rating: 2611 ±129 - 2483 ±82
Set Score: 2 - 0

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