ATP Cup Brisbane Syd Perth D 2

Tennis All Stars


04 January 2020

New South Wales, Australia

Pablo Carreno-Busta defeats Aleksandre Bakshi
Feliciano Lopez George Tsivadze
Previous Rating: 2888 ±151 - 1550 ±500
Rating Change: +0 - -8
New Rating: 2888 ±150 - 1542 ±487
Set Score: 2 - 0
Ivan Dodig defeats Oliver Marach
Nikola Mektic Jurgen Melzer
Previous Rating: 1400 ±350 - 1214 ±291
Rating Change: +143 - -100
New Rating: 1543 ±295 - 1114 ±262
Set Score: 2 - 0
Nikola Cacic defeats Raven Klaasen
Viktor Troicki Ruan Roelofse
Previous Rating: 1921 ±355 - 1475 ±425
Rating Change: +83 - -117
New Rating: 2004 ±324 - 1358 ±370
Set Score: 2 - 0
Maximo Gonzalez defeats Hubert Hurkacz
Andres Molteni Lukasz Kubot
Previous Rating: 1427 ±430 - 2151 ±245
Rating Change: +646 - -209
New Rating: 2073 ±287 - 1942 ±222
Set Score: 2 - 0
Cristian Garin defeats Nicolas Mahut
Nicolas Jarry Edouard Roger-Vasselin
Previous Rating: 2457 ±220 - 2179 ±206
Rating Change: +51 - -44
New Rating: 2508 ±199 - 2135 ±192
Set Score: 2 - 0
Toshihide Matsui defeats Ariel Behar
Ben McLachlan Pablo Cuevas
Previous Rating: 1400 ±350 - 1961 ±245
Rating Change: +450 - -221
New Rating: 1850 ±256 - 1740 ±215
Set Score: 2 - 0

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