Nitto ATP Finals

Tennis All Stars


10 November 2019

London, Great Britain (UK)

Juan Sebastian Cabal defeats Kevin Krawietz
Robert Farah Andreas Mies
Previous Rating: 2267 ±193 - 2607 ±108
Rating Change: +224 - -70
New Rating: 2491 ±157 - 2537 ±103
Set Score: 2 - 0
Pierre-Hugues Herbert defeats Jean-Julien Rojer
Nicolas Mahut Horia Tecau
Previous Rating: 2828 ±112 - 2464 ±115
Rating Change: +7 - -7
New Rating: 2835 ±110 - 2457 ±113
Set Score: 2 - 0
Lukasz Kubot defeats Rajeev Ram
Marcelo Melo Joe Salisbury
Previous Rating: 2439 ±112 - 2505 ±106
Rating Change: +56 - -49
New Rating: 2495 ±103 - 2456 ±98
Set Score: 2 - 1
Ivan Dodig defeats Raven Klaasen
Filip Polasek Michael Venus
Previous Rating: 2460 ±108 - 2340 ±131
Rating Change: +26 - -37
New Rating: 2486 ±103 - 2303 ±121
Set Score: 2 - 0
Jean-Julien Rojer defeats Juan Sebastian Cabal
Horia Tecau Robert Farah
Previous Rating: 2457 ±113 - 2491 ±157
Rating Change: +44 - -85
New Rating: 2501 ±105 - 2406 ±136
Set Score: 2 - 1
Pierre-Hugues Herbert defeats Kevin Krawietz
Nicolas Mahut Andreas Mies
Previous Rating: 2835 ±110 - 2537 ±103
Rating Change: +10 - -9
New Rating: 2845 ±107 - 2528 ±100
Set Score: 2 - 0
Rajeev Ram defeats Ivan Dodig
Joe Salisbury Filip Polasek
Previous Rating: 2456 ±98 - 2486 ±103
Rating Change: +39 - -44
New Rating: 2495 ±92 - 2442 ±95
Set Score: 2 - 1
Raven Klaasen defeats Lukasz Kubot
Michael Venus Marcelo Melo
Previous Rating: 2303 ±121 - 2495 ±103
Rating Change: +87 - -63
New Rating: 2390 ±109 - 2432 ±96
Set Score: 2 - 0
Kevin Krawietz defeats Jean-Julien Rojer
Andreas Mies Horia Tecau
Previous Rating: 2528 ±100 - 2501 ±105
Rating Change: +33 - -36
New Rating: 2561 ±93 - 2465 ±98
Set Score: 2 - 1
Pierre-Hugues Herbert defeats Juan Sebastian Cabal
Nicolas Mahut Robert Farah
Previous Rating: 2845 ±107 - 2406 ±136
Rating Change: +3 - -6
New Rating: 2848 ±105 - 2400 ±132
Set Score: 2 - 0
Lukasz Kubot defeats Ivan Dodig
Marcelo Melo Filip Polasek
Previous Rating: 2432 ±96 - 2442 ±95
Rating Change: +36 - -35
New Rating: 2468 ±89 - 2407 ±89
Set Score: 2 - 1
Raven Klaasen defeats Rajeev Ram
Michael Venus Joe Salisbury
Previous Rating: 2390 ±109 - 2495 ±92
Rating Change: +62 - -43
New Rating: 2452 ±99 - 2452 ±86
Set Score: 2 - 0
Pierre-Hugues Herbert defeats Lukasz Kubot
Nicolas Mahut Marcelo Melo
Previous Rating: 2848 ±105 - 2468 ±89
Rating Change: +5 - -3
New Rating: 2853 ±103 - 2465 ±88
Set Score: 2 - 0
Raven Klaasen defeats Juan Sebastian Cabal
Michael Venus Robert Farah
Previous Rating: 2452 ±99 - 2400 ±132
Rating Change: +28 - -50
New Rating: 2480 ±94 - 2350 ±119
Set Score: 2 - 1
Pierre-Hugues Herbert defeats Raven Klaasen
Nicolas Mahut Michael Venus
Previous Rating: 2853 ±103 - 2480 ±94
Rating Change: +4 - -4
New Rating: 2857 ±101 - 2476 ±92
Set Score: 2 - 0

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