Adelaide International Quals

Tennis All Stars


11 January 2020

South Australia, Australia

Federico Delbonis defeats Edward Winter
Previous Rating: 2600 ±300 - 1500 ±500
Rating Change: +12 - -32
New Rating: 2612 ±294 - 1468 ±472
Set Score: 2 - 0
Nicolas Jarry defeats John-Patrick Smith
Previous Rating: 1927 ±288 - 1600 ±550
Rating Change: +65 - -235
New Rating: 1992 ±273 - 1365 ±432
Set Score: 2 - 0
Gregoire Barrere defeats Andrew Harris
Previous Rating: 2728 ±198 - 1800 ±500
Rating Change: +8 - -47
New Rating: 2736 ±196 - 1753 ±459
Set Score: 2 - 0
Jaume Munar defeats Thomas Fancutt
Previous Rating: 2400 ±350 - 1600 ±550
Rating Change: +41 - -99
New Rating: 2441 ±335 - 1501 ±486
Set Score: 2 - 0
Tommy Paul defeats Matthew Christopher Romios
Previous Rating: 2600 ±300 - 1550 ±550
Rating Change: +16 - -52
New Rating: 2616 ±294 - 1498 ±507
Set Score: 2 - 0
Salvatore Caruso defeats Marc Polmans
Previous Rating: 2444 ±254 - 2200 ±400
Rating Change: +67 - -163
New Rating: 2511 ±237 - 2037 ±327
Set Score: 2 - 1
G. Harris defeats Mikalai Haliak
Previous Rating: 2232 ±266 - 1550 ±500
Rating Change: +28 - -98
New Rating: 2260 ±257 - 1452 ±436
Set Score: 2 - 0
Stephane Robert defeats Bradley Mousely
Previous Rating: 1550 ±500 - 1550 ±500
Rating Change: +272 - -272
New Rating: 1822 ±415 - 1278 ±415
Set Score: 2 - 0
Federico Delbonis defeats Salvatore Caruso
Previous Rating: 2612 ±294 - 2511 ±237
Rating Change: +135 - -88
New Rating: 2747 ±247 - 2423 ±213
Set Score: 2 - 0
Tommy Paul defeats Nicolas Jarry
Previous Rating: 2616 ±294 - 1992 ±273
Rating Change: +30 - -27
New Rating: 2646 ±276 - 1965 ±259
Set Score: 2 - 0
Gregoire Barrere defeats Jaume Munar
Previous Rating: 2736 ±196 - 2441 ±335
Rating Change: +37 - -109
New Rating: 2773 ±186 - 2332 ±282
Set Score: 2 - 1
G. Harris defeats Stephane Robert
Previous Rating: 2260 ±257 - 1822 ±415
Rating Change: +44 - -115
New Rating: 2304 ±243 - 1707 ±353
Set Score: 2 - 0

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