GCTTA Winter 24 AS D2to5 W2

Gold Coast Table Tennis


23 May 2024

Queensland, Australia

Tania Parveen defeats Nathaly Pinzon
Previous Rating: 655 ±44 - 672 ±132
Rating Change: +11 - -96
New Rating: 666 ±43 - 576 ±111
Set Score: 3 - 0
Bill Constanti defeats Lucas Geurtjens
Previous Rating: 980 ±40 - 800 ±100
Rating Change: +4 - -27
New Rating: 984 ±40 - 773 ±92
Set Score: 3 - 0
Katherine Pinzon defeats Christine Lane
Previous Rating: 994 ±43 - 702 ±48
Rating Change: +0 - -1
New Rating: 994 ±43 - 701 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 2
Bill Constanti defeats Nathaly Pinzon
Previous Rating: 984 ±40 - 576 ±111
Rating Change: +1 - -7
New Rating: 985 ±40 - 569 ±108
Set Score: 3 - 0
Katherine Pinzon defeats Tania Parveen
Previous Rating: 994 ±43 - 666 ±43
Rating Change: +2 - -1
New Rating: 996 ±43 - 665 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Christine Lane defeats Lucas Geurtjens
Previous Rating: 701 ±48 - 773 ±92
Rating Change: +18 - -64
New Rating: 719 ±47 - 709 ±84
Set Score: 3 - 0
Katherine Pinzon defeats Bill Constanti
Previous Rating: 996 ±43 - 985 ±40
Rating Change: +13 - -11
New Rating: 1009 ±42 - 974 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 0
Christine Lane defeats Nathaly Pinzon
Previous Rating: 719 ±47 - 569 ±108
Rating Change: +2 - -14
New Rating: 721 ±46 - 555 ±103
Set Score: 3 - 2
Tania Parveen defeats Lucas Geurtjens
Previous Rating: 665 ±43 - 709 ±84
Rating Change: +13 - -53
New Rating: 678 ±42 - 656 ±78
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Cook defeats Patricia Berrutti
Previous Rating: 789 ±42 - 389 ±58
Rating Change: +0 - -1
New Rating: 789 ±42 - 388 ±57
Set Score: 3 - 1
Jane Lee defeats Joseph Raben
Previous Rating: 909 ±35 - 594 ±38
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 910 ±35 - 593 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jeff Chen defeats Michael Stracy
Previous Rating: 902 ±38 - 459 ±40
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 902 ±38 - 459 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Cook defeats Jane Lee
Previous Rating: 789 ±42 - 910 ±35
Rating Change: +18 - -12
New Rating: 807 ±42 - 898 ±35
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jeff Chen defeats Patricia Berrutti
Previous Rating: 902 ±38 - 388 ±57
Rating Change: +0 - -1
New Rating: 902 ±38 - 387 ±57
Set Score: 3 - 0
Michael Stracy defeats Joseph Raben
Previous Rating: 459 ±40 - 593 ±37
Rating Change: +12 - -12
New Rating: 471 ±39 - 581 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 1
Jane Lee defeats Jeff Chen
Previous Rating: 898 ±35 - 902 ±38
Rating Change: +7 - -7
New Rating: 905 ±34 - 895 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 1
John Cook defeats Michael Stracy
Previous Rating: 807 ±42 - 471 ±39
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 807 ±42 - 471 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 1
Joseph Raben defeats Patricia Berrutti
Previous Rating: 581 ±37 - 387 ±57
Rating Change: +4 - -8
New Rating: 585 ±36 - 379 ±56
Set Score: 3 - 0
Prakash Srinivasan defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 775 ±37 - 433 ±39
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 776 ±37 - 432 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 0
Michael Kuhne defeats Grant Stevenson
Previous Rating: 883 ±50 - 579 ±52
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 886 ±49 - 576 ±52
Set Score: 3 - 0
Fariborz Mokhtarpour defeats Andy Cloherty
Previous Rating: 947 ±37 - 824 ±37
Rating Change: +4 - -3
New Rating: 951 ±37 - 821 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 1
Prakash Srinivasan defeats Michael Kuhne
Previous Rating: 776 ±37 - 886 ±49
Rating Change: +7 - -14
New Rating: 783 ±36 - 872 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 2
Fariborz Mokhtarpour defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 951 ±37 - 432 ±39
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 951 ±37 - 432 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 0
Grant Stevenson defeats Andy Cloherty
Previous Rating: 576 ±52 - 821 ±36
Rating Change: +23 - -11
New Rating: 599 ±50 - 810 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 2
Michael Kuhne defeats Fariborz Mokhtarpour
Previous Rating: 872 ±48 - 951 ±37
Rating Change: +11 - -7
New Rating: 883 ±47 - 944 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 2
Andy Cloherty defeats Prakash Srinivasan
Previous Rating: 810 ±36 - 783 ±36
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 813 ±35 - 780 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 2
Grant Stevenson defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 599 ±50 - 432 ±39
Rating Change: +8 - -5
New Rating: 607 ±49 - 427 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Bryce defeats Matthew Jones
Previous Rating: 769 ±44 - 636 ±39
Rating Change: +8 - -6
New Rating: 777 ±43 - 630 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 0
Robert Matheson defeats Marty Leach
Previous Rating: 897 ±43 - 385 ±40
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 897 ±42 - 385 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 0
Anthony Baguley defeats Charlie Voges
Previous Rating: 905 ±65 - 726 ±38
Rating Change: +12 - -4
New Rating: 917 ±63 - 722 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Robert Matheson defeats Phil Bryce
Previous Rating: 897 ±42 - 777 ±43
Rating Change: +3 - -2
New Rating: 900 ±42 - 775 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 2
Anthony Baguley defeats Matthew Jones
Previous Rating: 917 ±63 - 630 ±38
Rating Change: +5 - -2
New Rating: 922 ±61 - 628 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 0
Charlie Voges defeats Marty Leach
Previous Rating: 722 ±37 - 385 ±40
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 723 ±37 - 383 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 0
Robert Matheson defeats Anthony Baguley
Previous Rating: 900 ±42 - 922 ±61
Rating Change: +13 - -28
New Rating: 913 ±41 - 894 ±59
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Bryce defeats Charlie Voges
Previous Rating: 775 ±43 - 723 ±37
Rating Change: +11 - -9
New Rating: 786 ±42 - 714 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 0
Matthew Jones defeats Marty Leach
Previous Rating: 628 ±38 - 383 ±40
Rating Change: +3 - -2
New Rating: 631 ±37 - 381 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 0
Rick Hobman defeats Martin Rogers
Previous Rating: 556 ±73 - 238 ±46
Rating Change: +5 - -2
New Rating: 561 ±71 - 236 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 0
Joseph Raben defeats Nick Patulny
Previous Rating: 585 ±36 - 623 ±79
Rating Change: +10 - -47
New Rating: 595 ±36 - 576 ±74
Set Score: 3 - 0
Charlie Voges defeats Nam Hatha Tang
Previous Rating: 714 ±36 - 433 ±44
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 715 ±36 - 432 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 2
Joseph Raben defeats Rick Hobman
Previous Rating: 595 ±36 - 561 ±71
Rating Change: +5 - -21
New Rating: 600 ±35 - 540 ±68
Set Score: 3 - 1
Charlie Voges defeats Martin Rogers
Previous Rating: 715 ±36 - 236 ±46
Rating Change: +0 - -1
New Rating: 715 ±36 - 235 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 0
Nam Hatha Tang defeats Nick Patulny
Previous Rating: 432 ±44 - 576 ±74
Rating Change: +15 - -41
New Rating: 447 ±44 - 535 ±70
Set Score: 3 - 1
Charlie Voges defeats Joseph Raben
Previous Rating: 715 ±36 - 600 ±35
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 717 ±36 - 598 ±35
Set Score: 3 - 2
Nam Hatha Tang defeats Rick Hobman
Previous Rating: 447 ±44 - 540 ±68
Rating Change: +13 - -30
New Rating: 460 ±43 - 510 ±64
Set Score: 3 - 1
Nick Patulny defeats Martin Rogers
Previous Rating: 535 ±70 - 235 ±46
Rating Change: +3 - -1
New Rating: 538 ±69 - 234 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 1
Eugene Danovich defeats Hayden Adams
Previous Rating: 547 ±50 - 572 ±86
Rating Change: +17 - -50
New Rating: 564 ±49 - 522 ±79
Set Score: 3 - 0
Greg Blackstone defeats Elena Glebova
Previous Rating: 557 ±45 - 556 ±69
Rating Change: +6 - -15
New Rating: 563 ±44 - 541 ±66
Set Score: 3 - 2
Michael Stracy defeats Yuri Gribanov
Previous Rating: 471 ±39 - 550 ±42
Rating Change: +14 - -16
New Rating: 485 ±38 - 534 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 0
Greg Blackstone defeats Eugene Danovich
Previous Rating: 563 ±44 - 564 ±49
Rating Change: +10 - -12
New Rating: 573 ±43 - 552 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 1
Yuri Gribanov defeats Hayden Adams
Previous Rating: 534 ±42 - 522 ±79
Rating Change: +11 - -39
New Rating: 545 ±41 - 483 ±73
Set Score: 3 - 0
Michael Stracy defeats Elena Glebova
Previous Rating: 485 ±38 - 541 ±66
Rating Change: +6 - -18
New Rating: 491 ±38 - 523 ±63
Set Score: 3 - 2
Greg Blackstone defeats Yuri Gribanov
Previous Rating: 573 ±43 - 545 ±41
Rating Change: +8 - -8
New Rating: 581 ±42 - 537 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 1
Eugene Danovich defeats Michael Stracy
Previous Rating: 552 ±47 - 491 ±38
Rating Change: +13 - -8
New Rating: 565 ±46 - 483 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Elena Glebova defeats Hayden Adams
Previous Rating: 523 ±63 - 483 ±73
Rating Change: +21 - -30
New Rating: 544 ±60 - 453 ±69
Set Score: 3 - 0
Stephen Bounds defeats Karen Nel
Previous Rating: 490 ±41 - 490 ±81
Rating Change: +10 - -42
New Rating: 500 ±40 - 448 ±75
Set Score: 3 - 0
Elisabeth Bounds defeats Elke Nel
Previous Rating: 164 ±50 - 611 ±89
Rating Change: +28 - -88
New Rating: 192 ±50 - 523 ±88
Set Score: 3 - 0
Alex Nguyen defeats Lindi Nel
Previous Rating: 766 ±68 - 543 ±84
Rating Change: +10 - -15
New Rating: 776 ±65 - 528 ±80
Set Score: 3 - 0
Stephen Bounds defeats Elke Nel
Previous Rating: 500 ±40 - 523 ±88
Rating Change: +11 - -53
New Rating: 511 ±39 - 470 ±81
Set Score: 3 - 0
Alex Nguyen defeats Karen Nel
Previous Rating: 776 ±65 - 448 ±75
Rating Change: +4 - -6
New Rating: 780 ±64 - 442 ±73
Set Score: 3 - 0
Elisabeth Bounds defeats Lindi Nel
Previous Rating: 192 ±50 - 528 ±80
Rating Change: +25 - -63
New Rating: 217 ±50 - 465 ±78
Set Score: 3 - 1
Alex Nguyen defeats Elke Nel
Previous Rating: 780 ±64 - 470 ±81
Rating Change: +4 - -7
New Rating: 784 ±63 - 463 ±79
Set Score: 3 - 0
Stephen Bounds defeats Lindi Nel
Previous Rating: 511 ±39 - 465 ±78
Rating Change: +9 - -34
New Rating: 520 ±39 - 431 ±73
Set Score: 3 - 0
Elisabeth Bounds defeats Karen Nel
Previous Rating: 217 ±50 - 442 ±73
Rating Change: +25 - -54
New Rating: 242 ±49 - 388 ±71
Set Score: 3 - 0
Gina Gabriel defeats Isaac Curtin Symes
Previous Rating: 427 ±38 - 271 ±44
Rating Change: +5 - -7
New Rating: 432 ±37 - 264 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Matthew Jones defeats Rodney Potter
Previous Rating: 631 ±37 - 613 ±80
Rating Change: +4 - -18
New Rating: 635 ±37 - 595 ±76
Set Score: 3 - 2
Michael Wight defeats Joseph O'Flaherty
Previous Rating: 790 ±110 - 381 ±43
Rating Change: +7 - -1
New Rating: 797 ±107 - 380 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Matthew Jones defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 635 ±37 - 432 ±37
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 638 ±37 - 429 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Michael Wight defeats Isaac Curtin Symes
Previous Rating: 797 ±107 - 264 ±43
Rating Change: +1 - +0
New Rating: 798 ±106 - 264 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Rodney Potter defeats Joseph O'Flaherty
Previous Rating: 595 ±76 - 380 ±43
Rating Change: +4 - -1
New Rating: 599 ±75 - 379 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 2
Michael Wight defeats Matthew Jones
Previous Rating: 798 ±106 - 638 ±37
Rating Change: +22 - -2
New Rating: 820 ±99 - 636 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 1
Joseph O'Flaherty defeats Gina Gabriel
Previous Rating: 379 ±43 - 429 ±37
Rating Change: +16 - -12
New Rating: 395 ±42 - 417 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 0
Rodney Potter defeats Isaac Curtin Symes
Previous Rating: 599 ±75 - 264 ±43
Rating Change: +4 - -2
New Rating: 603 ±73 - 262 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Prakash Srinivasan defeats Nayu Isayama
Previous Rating: 780 ±36 - 692 ±44
Rating Change: +6 - -10
New Rating: 786 ±35 - 682 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Fariborz Mokhtarpour defeats Nitesh Shrestha
Previous Rating: 944 ±36 - 841 ±42
Rating Change: +4 - -5
New Rating: 948 ±36 - 836 ±41
Set Score: 3 - 1
Cohen Lefty defeats John Ferguson
Previous Rating: 700 ±100 - 964 ±67
Rating Change: +71 - -32
New Rating: 771 ±92 - 932 ±64
Set Score: 3 - 2
Prakash Srinivasan defeats Fariborz Mokhtarpour
Previous Rating: 786 ±35 - 948 ±36
Rating Change: +11 - -12
New Rating: 797 ±35 - 936 ±36
Set Score: 3 - 1
John Ferguson defeats Nayu Isayama
Previous Rating: 932 ±64 - 682 ±43
Rating Change: +4 - -1
New Rating: 936 ±63 - 681 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 1
Nitesh Shrestha defeats Cohen Lefty
Previous Rating: 836 ±41 - 771 ±92
Rating Change: +9 - -41
New Rating: 845 ±40 - 730 ±84
Set Score: 3 - 0
Fariborz Mokhtarpour defeats John Ferguson
Previous Rating: 936 ±36 - 936 ±63
Rating Change: +7 - -20
New Rating: 943 ±35 - 916 ±60
Set Score: 3 - 1
Cohen Lefty defeats Prakash Srinivasan
Previous Rating: 730 ±84 - 797 ±35
Rating Change: +55 - -10
New Rating: 785 ±78 - 787 ±34
Set Score: 3 - 0
Nayu Isayama defeats Nitesh Shrestha
Previous Rating: 681 ±43 - 845 ±40
Rating Change: +12 - -12
New Rating: 693 ±42 - 833 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 2
Sam Hobdodman defeats Ben Williams
Previous Rating: 745 ±39 - 564 ±49
Rating Change: +5 - -7
New Rating: 750 ±39 - 557 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 0
Lachlan Cherry defeats Ahmed Ali
Previous Rating: 904 ±42 - 723 ±84
Rating Change: +5 - -20
New Rating: 909 ±42 - 703 ±79
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jesse Lefty defeats Robert Matheson
Previous Rating: 729 ±53 - 913 ±41
Rating Change: +24 - -15
New Rating: 753 ±52 - 898 ±41
Set Score: 3 - 1
Lachlan Cherry defeats Sam Hobdodman
Previous Rating: 909 ±42 - 750 ±39
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 910 ±41 - 748 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 2
Robert Matheson defeats Ben Williams
Previous Rating: 898 ±41 - 557 ±48
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 899 ±40 - 555 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jesse Lefty defeats Ahmed Ali
Previous Rating: 753 ±52 - 703 ±79
Rating Change: +14 - -33
New Rating: 767 ±50 - 670 ±73
Set Score: 3 - 0
Lachlan Cherry defeats Robert Matheson
Previous Rating: 910 ±41 - 899 ±40
Rating Change: +9 - -7
New Rating: 919 ±41 - 892 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 1
Sam Hobdodman defeats Jesse Lefty
Previous Rating: 748 ±38 - 767 ±50
Rating Change: +8 - -14
New Rating: 756 ±38 - 753 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 1
Ahmed Ali defeats Ben Williams
Previous Rating: 670 ±73 - 555 ±48
Rating Change: +8 - -3
New Rating: 678 ±71 - 552 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 2
John White defeats Malachi Tan
Previous Rating: 894 ±47 - 707 ±43
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 897 ±46 - 704 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 1
Martin Beckwith defeats Sachin Somani
Previous Rating: 938 ±45 - 767 ±71
Rating Change: +6 - -15
New Rating: 944 ±44 - 752 ±67
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jane Lee defeats Anthony Baguley
Previous Rating: 905 ±34 - 894 ±59
Rating Change: +8 - -24
New Rating: 913 ±34 - 870 ±56
Set Score: 3 - 0
John White defeats Martin Beckwith
Previous Rating: 897 ±46 - 944 ±44
Rating Change: +17 - -16
New Rating: 914 ±45 - 928 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jane Lee defeats Malachi Tan
Previous Rating: 913 ±34 - 704 ±43
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 914 ±34 - 702 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 1
Anthony Baguley defeats Sachin Somani
Previous Rating: 870 ±56 - 752 ±67
Rating Change: +13 - -19
New Rating: 883 ±54 - 733 ±64
Set Score: 3 - 0
Martin Beckwith defeats Jane Lee
Previous Rating: 928 ±43 - 914 ±34
Rating Change: +5 - -3
New Rating: 933 ±42 - 911 ±33
Set Score: 3 - 2
Anthony Baguley defeats John White
Previous Rating: 883 ±54 - 914 ±45
Rating Change: +23 - -15
New Rating: 906 ±53 - 899 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Malachi Tan defeats Sachin Somani
Previous Rating: 702 ±42 - 733 ±64
Rating Change: +13 - -31
New Rating: 715 ±42 - 702 ±61
Set Score: 3 - 0
Gary Hanna defeats Igor Santos
Previous Rating: 845 ±40 - 700 ±100
Rating Change: +5 - -33
New Rating: 850 ±39 - 667 ±91
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Caldwell defeats Steve Wilks
Previous Rating: 1036 ±39 - 706 ±44
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 1037 ±39 - 704 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mitch Karam defeats Graeme Fitton
Previous Rating: 815 ±44 - 799 ±43
Rating Change: +9 - -9
New Rating: 824 ±43 - 790 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 1
Phil Caldwell defeats Gary Hanna
Previous Rating: 1037 ±39 - 850 ±39
Rating Change: +4 - -4
New Rating: 1041 ±38 - 846 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mitch Karam defeats Igor Santos
Previous Rating: 824 ±43 - 667 ±91
Rating Change: +2 - -9
New Rating: 826 ±43 - 658 ±88
Set Score: 3 - 2
Graeme Fitton defeats Steve Wilks
Previous Rating: 790 ±42 - 704 ±44
Rating Change: +9 - -10
New Rating: 799 ±41 - 694 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mitch Karam defeats Phil Caldwell
Previous Rating: 826 ±43 - 1041 ±38
Rating Change: +20 - -16
New Rating: 846 ±42 - 1025 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 0
Graeme Fitton defeats Gary Hanna
Previous Rating: 799 ±41 - 846 ±39
Rating Change: +15 - -13
New Rating: 814 ±41 - 833 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 0
Igor Santos defeats Steve Wilks
Previous Rating: 658 ±88 - 694 ±43
Rating Change: +40 - -9
New Rating: 698 ±81 - 685 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 1
Ernie Weaver defeats Frank Erdelyi
Previous Rating: 982 ±43 - 903 ±46
Rating Change: +4 - -3
New Rating: 986 ±43 - 900 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 2
Rishab Shrestha defeats Richard Burton
Previous Rating: 1092 ±46 - 817 ±46
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 1095 ±46 - 814 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jorah Saunders defeats Jakob Fensom
Previous Rating: 1115 ±43 - 966 ±43
Rating Change: +2 - -1
New Rating: 1117 ±43 - 965 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 2
Ernie Weaver defeats Rishab Shrestha
Previous Rating: 986 ±43 - 1095 ±46
Rating Change: +10 - -12
New Rating: 996 ±42 - 1083 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 2
Jorah Saunders defeats Frank Erdelyi
Previous Rating: 1117 ±43 - 900 ±45
Rating Change: +1 - -2
New Rating: 1118 ±43 - 898 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 2
Jakob Fensom defeats Richard Burton
Previous Rating: 965 ±43 - 814 ±45
Rating Change: +6 - -7
New Rating: 971 ±42 - 807 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jorah Saunders defeats Rishab Shrestha
Previous Rating: 1118 ±43 - 1083 ±45
Rating Change: +12 - -13
New Rating: 1130 ±42 - 1070 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jakob Fensom defeats Ernie Weaver
Previous Rating: 971 ±42 - 996 ±42
Rating Change: +14 - -14
New Rating: 985 ±41 - 982 ±41
Set Score: 3 - 0
Frank Erdelyi defeats Richard Burton
Previous Rating: 898 ±45 - 807 ±44
Rating Change: +11 - -10
New Rating: 909 ±44 - 797 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Brian McErlean defeats Rick Warwick
Previous Rating: 1017 ±62 - 1069 ±47
Rating Change: +23 - -13
New Rating: 1040 ±60 - 1056 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 1
Hakhoon Yi defeats Kotaro Isayama
Previous Rating: 1110 ±44 - 1038 ±43
Rating Change: +4 - -4
New Rating: 1114 ±43 - 1034 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 2
Don Norris defeats Gary Brooker
Previous Rating: 1157 ±47 - 906 ±46
Rating Change: +4 - -4
New Rating: 1161 ±47 - 902 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 0
Rick Warwick defeats Hakhoon Yi
Previous Rating: 1056 ±46 - 1114 ±43
Rating Change: +9 - -9
New Rating: 1065 ±45 - 1105 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 2
Brian McErlean defeats Don Norris
Previous Rating: 1040 ±60 - 1161 ±47
Rating Change: +33 - -20
New Rating: 1073 ±58 - 1141 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 0
Gary Brooker defeats Kotaro Isayama
Previous Rating: 902 ±46 - 1034 ±43
Rating Change: +13 - -11
New Rating: 915 ±45 - 1023 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 2
Hakhoon Yi defeats Don Norris
Previous Rating: 1105 ±42 - 1141 ±46
Rating Change: +7 - -8
New Rating: 1112 ±42 - 1133 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 2
Rick Warwick defeats Gary Brooker
Previous Rating: 1065 ±45 - 915 ±45
Rating Change: +5 - -4
New Rating: 1070 ±44 - 911 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 1
Kotaro Isayama defeats Brian McErlean
Previous Rating: 1023 ±42 - 1073 ±58
Rating Change: +14 - -28
New Rating: 1037 ±41 - 1045 ±56
Set Score: 3 - 0
Steve Houghton defeats Andrey Donets
Previous Rating: 975 ±41 - 984 ±45
Rating Change: +6 - -6
New Rating: 981 ±40 - 978 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 2
Phil Caldwell defeats Jeff Chen
Previous Rating: 1025 ±38 - 895 ±38
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1027 ±38 - 893 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 2
Cohen McMaster defeats Shameem Tarafder
Previous Rating: 1169 ±41 - 1115 ±44
Rating Change: +10 - -11
New Rating: 1179 ±40 - 1104 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Phil Caldwell defeats Steve Houghton
Previous Rating: 1027 ±38 - 981 ±40
Rating Change: +6 - -6
New Rating: 1033 ±37 - 975 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 1
Shameem Tarafder defeats Andrey Donets
Previous Rating: 1104 ±43 - 978 ±44
Rating Change: +7 - -8
New Rating: 1111 ±42 - 970 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Cohen McMaster defeats Jeff Chen
Previous Rating: 1179 ±40 - 893 ±37
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1181 ±40 - 891 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Shameem Tarafder defeats Phil Caldwell
Previous Rating: 1111 ±42 - 1033 ±37
Rating Change: +10 - -8
New Rating: 1121 ±41 - 1025 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Cohen McMaster defeats Steve Houghton
Previous Rating: 1181 ±40 - 975 ±40
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 1182 ±40 - 974 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 2
Jeff Chen defeats Andrey Donets
Previous Rating: 891 ±37 - 970 ±43
Rating Change: +13 - -17
New Rating: 904 ±37 - 953 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 0
Finn Shore defeats Daniel Neuffer
Previous Rating: 1330 ±60 - 1178 ±48
Rating Change: +7 - -4
New Rating: 1337 ±58 - 1174 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 1
Dean Brunsdon defeats Jesse Barnett
Previous Rating: 1120 ±39 - 1362 ±80
Rating Change: +14 - -58
New Rating: 1134 ±39 - 1304 ±77
Set Score: 3 - 1
Morgan Barnett defeats Joe Shore
Previous Rating: 1278 ±43 - 1355 ±60
Rating Change: +12 - -24
New Rating: 1290 ±42 - 1331 ±58
Set Score: 3 - 1
Finn Shore defeats Jesse Barnett
Previous Rating: 1337 ±58 - 1304 ±77
Rating Change: +13 - -23
New Rating: 1350 ±57 - 1281 ±73
Set Score: 3 - 1
Joe Shore defeats Daniel Neuffer
Previous Rating: 1331 ±58 - 1174 ±47
Rating Change: +6 - -5
New Rating: 1337 ±57 - 1169 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 1
Morgan Barnett defeats Dean Brunsdon
Previous Rating: 1290 ±42 - 1134 ±39
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1292 ±42 - 1132 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 2
Joe Shore defeats Jesse Barnett
Previous Rating: 1337 ±57 - 1281 ±73
Rating Change: +7 - -12
New Rating: 1344 ±55 - 1269 ±70
Set Score: 3 - 2
Morgan Barnett defeats Finn Shore
Previous Rating: 1292 ±42 - 1350 ±57
Rating Change: +8 - -14
New Rating: 1300 ±41 - 1336 ±55
Set Score: 3 - 2
Daniel Neuffer defeats Dean Brunsdon
Previous Rating: 1169 ±47 - 1132 ±38
Rating Change: +10 - -6
New Rating: 1179 ±45 - 1126 ±38
Set Score: 3 - 1
Steve Saunders defeats James Cao
Previous Rating: 1266 ±47 - 1163 ±45
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 1269 ±47 - 1160 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 2
Chin Tran defeats Stephen Johnstone
Previous Rating: 1185 ±59 - 1338 ±44
Rating Change: +22 - -12
New Rating: 1207 ±57 - 1326 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 2
Neil Sainsbury defeats Lucy Zhu
Previous Rating: 1274 ±67 - 1288 ±48
Rating Change: +15 - -7
New Rating: 1289 ±64 - 1281 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 2
Stephen Johnstone defeats Steve Saunders
Previous Rating: 1326 ±43 - 1269 ±47
Rating Change: +4 - -5
New Rating: 1330 ±42 - 1264 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 2
Lucy Zhu defeats James Cao
Previous Rating: 1281 ±47 - 1160 ±45
Rating Change: +9 - -9
New Rating: 1290 ±45 - 1151 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Chin Tran defeats Neil Sainsbury
Previous Rating: 1207 ±57 - 1289 ±64
Rating Change: +15 - -19
New Rating: 1222 ±55 - 1270 ±61
Set Score: 3 - 2
Stephen Johnstone defeats Lucy Zhu
Previous Rating: 1330 ±42 - 1290 ±45
Rating Change: +11 - -13
New Rating: 1341 ±41 - 1277 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Neil Sainsbury defeats Steve Saunders
Previous Rating: 1270 ±61 - 1264 ±46
Rating Change: +18 - -10
New Rating: 1288 ±59 - 1254 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 1
Chin Tran defeats James Cao
Previous Rating: 1222 ±55 - 1151 ±44
Rating Change: +11 - -6
New Rating: 1233 ±53 - 1145 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 1
Sapan Batra defeats Riley Rose
Previous Rating: 1218 ±42 - 1047 ±46
Rating Change: +6 - -7
New Rating: 1224 ±41 - 1040 ±45
Set Score: 3 - 0
Tony Kovacs defeats Susanne Alexandersson
Previous Rating: 1449 ±45 - 1191 ±43
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 1452 ±44 - 1188 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jesse Wilson defeats Michael Zeng
Previous Rating: 1394 ±44 - 1387 ±113
Rating Change: +5 - -35
New Rating: 1399 ±44 - 1352 ±102
Set Score: 3 - 2
Sapan Batra defeats Tony Kovacs
Previous Rating: 1224 ±41 - 1452 ±44
Rating Change: +15 - -18
New Rating: 1239 ±41 - 1434 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 1
Jesse Wilson defeats Riley Rose
Previous Rating: 1399 ±44 - 1040 ±45
Rating Change: +2 - -1
New Rating: 1401 ±43 - 1039 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Michael Zeng defeats Susanne Alexandersson
Previous Rating: 1352 ±102 - 1188 ±43
Rating Change: +31 - -5
New Rating: 1383 ±93 - 1183 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 0
Jesse Wilson defeats Tony Kovacs
Previous Rating: 1401 ±43 - 1434 ±44
Rating Change: +15 - -15
New Rating: 1416 ±42 - 1419 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Sapan Batra defeats Michael Zeng
Previous Rating: 1239 ±41 - 1383 ±93
Rating Change: +10 - -48
New Rating: 1249 ±40 - 1335 ±85
Set Score: 3 - 2
Susanne Alexandersson defeats Riley Rose
Previous Rating: 1183 ±42 - 1039 ±44
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1185 ±42 - 1037 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 2

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