TTTA Fixtures 10 Oct 2023 Wk11

Toowoomba TTA


10 October 2023

Queensland, Australia

Pritam Awal defeats Zhen Huang
Previous Rating: 1438 ±70 - 1147 ±42
Rating Change: +6 - -2
New Rating: 1444 ±68 - 1145 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 0
Pritam Awal defeats Marshall Muller
Previous Rating: 1444 ±68 - 1116 ±35
Rating Change: +4 - -1
New Rating: 1448 ±67 - 1115 ±35
Set Score: 3 - 0
Ken Bell defeats Diana Sanchez
Previous Rating: 919 ±126 - 905 ±38
Rating Change: +83 - -8
New Rating: 1002 ±108 - 897 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Ken Bell defeats Warren Riethmuller
Previous Rating: 1002 ±108 - 707 ±50
Rating Change: +15 - -3
New Rating: 1017 ±102 - 704 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 0
Zhi Alan Chen defeats Ross Hooper
Previous Rating: 1292 ±41 - 1394 ±43
Rating Change: +9 - -10
New Rating: 1301 ±40 - 1384 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 2
Zhi Alan Chen defeats Ron Hill
Previous Rating: 1301 ±40 - 1070 ±40
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1303 ±40 - 1068 ±40
Set Score: 3 - 1
Barry Driver defeats Wei Liang William Ma
Previous Rating: 1092 ±40 - 1242 ±42
Rating Change: +16 - -18
New Rating: 1108 ±40 - 1224 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 0
Barry Driver defeats Sam Rijal
Previous Rating: 1108 ±40 - 947 ±51
Rating Change: +5 - -9
New Rating: 1113 ±39 - 938 ±50
Set Score: 3 - 0
Ken Driver defeats Ron Hill
Previous Rating: 1203 ±34 - 1068 ±40
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 1206 ±34 - 1065 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 1
John Farmer defeats Pranit Shrestha
Previous Rating: 1173 ±31 - 935 ±45
Rating Change: +2 - -4
New Rating: 1175 ±31 - 931 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 0
Chris Fogarty defeats Paul Thomas
Previous Rating: 945 ±38 - 733 ±48
Rating Change: +3 - -5
New Rating: 948 ±38 - 728 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 0
Ross Hooper defeats Ken Driver
Previous Rating: 1384 ±42 - 1206 ±34
Rating Change: +5 - -4
New Rating: 1389 ±41 - 1202 ±33
Set Score: 3 - 0
Wes Horn defeats Pranit Shrestha
Previous Rating: 1126 ±38 - 931 ±44
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1128 ±38 - 929 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 1
Zhen Huang defeats Michael Noroozi
Previous Rating: 1145 ±42 - 1066 ±45
Rating Change: +5 - -7
New Rating: 1150 ±41 - 1059 ±44
Set Score: 3 - 1
Luke Jahnke defeats John Farmer
Previous Rating: 1374 ±47 - 1175 ±31
Rating Change: +3 - -1
New Rating: 1377 ±46 - 1174 ±31
Set Score: 3 - 1
Luke Jahnke defeats Wes Horn
Previous Rating: 1377 ±46 - 1128 ±38
Rating Change: +4 - -2
New Rating: 1381 ±46 - 1126 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 0
Steve Jahnke defeats Paul Thomas
Previous Rating: 890 ±43 - 728 ±47
Rating Change: +3 - -4
New Rating: 893 ±42 - 724 ±46
Set Score: 3 - 1
Ellis Jensen defeats Wei Liang William Ma
Previous Rating: 1336 ±42 - 1224 ±42
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1338 ±42 - 1222 ±41
Set Score: 3 - 2
Ellis Jensen defeats Sam Rijal
Previous Rating: 1338 ±42 - 938 ±50
Rating Change: +1 - -1
New Rating: 1339 ±41 - 937 ±49
Set Score: 3 - 0
Marshall Muller defeats Michael Noroozi
Previous Rating: 1115 ±35 - 1059 ±44
Rating Change: +7 - -11
New Rating: 1122 ±34 - 1048 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mayank Prajapati defeats Chris Fogarty
Previous Rating: 950 ±37 - 948 ±38
Rating Change: +7 - -7
New Rating: 957 ±36 - 941 ±37
Set Score: 3 - 1
Mayank Prajapati defeats Steve Jahnke
Previous Rating: 957 ±36 - 893 ±42
Rating Change: +3 - -3
New Rating: 960 ±36 - 890 ±42
Set Score: 3 - 2
Diana Sanchez defeats Patricia Thomas
Previous Rating: 897 ±37 - 706 ±48
Rating Change: +4 - -6
New Rating: 901 ±37 - 700 ±47
Set Score: 3 - 0
Patricia Thomas defeats Warren Riethmuller
Previous Rating: 700 ±47 - 704 ±49
Rating Change: +16 - -18
New Rating: 716 ±46 - 686 ±48
Set Score: 3 - 0

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