BH v Labrador 1 2023

SEQ Seniors TT


12 February 2023

Queensland, Australia

Peter Hadrill defeats Stephen Johnstone
Previous Rating: 1414 ±53 - 1419 ±44
Rating Change: +21 - -14
New Rating: 1435 ±51 - 1405 ±43
Set Score: 3 - 0
Glenn Daly defeats David Whyte
Previous Rating: 1333 ±65 - 1100 ±140
Rating Change: +8 - -38
New Rating: 1341 ±64 - 1062 ±125
Set Score: 3 - 0
Greg Bennett defeats Jim Terry
Previous Rating: 1000 ±150 - 975 ±140
Rating Change: +84 - -73
New Rating: 1084 ±131 - 902 ±125
Set Score: 3 - 0
Stephen Johnstone defeats Glenn Daly
Previous Rating: 1405 ±43 - 1341 ±64
Rating Change: +10 - -22
New Rating: 1415 ±42 - 1319 ±61
Set Score: 3 - 0
David Whyte defeats Jim Terry
Previous Rating: 1062 ±125 - 902 ±125
Rating Change: +28 - -29
New Rating: 1090 ±117 - 873 ±116
Set Score: 3 - 1
Peter Hadrill defeats Greg Bennett
Previous Rating: 1435 ±51 - 1084 ±131
Rating Change: +2 - -16
New Rating: 1437 ±51 - 1068 ±123
Set Score: 3 - 0
Stephen Johnstone defeats Jim Terry
Previous Rating: 1415 ±42 - 873 ±116
Rating Change: +0 - -2
New Rating: 1415 ±42 - 871 ±115
Set Score: 3 - 0
Peter Hadrill defeats David Whyte
Previous Rating: 1437 ±51 - 1090 ±117
Rating Change: +3 - -12
New Rating: 1440 ±51 - 1078 ±111
Set Score: 3 - 0
Glenn Daly defeats Greg Bennett
Previous Rating: 1319 ±61 - 1068 ±123
Rating Change: +7 - -27
New Rating: 1326 ±59 - 1041 ±113
Set Score: 3 - 0
Anthony Baguley defeats Debbie Lovelock
Previous Rating: 975 ±120 - 950 ±120
Rating Change: +34 - -34
New Rating: 1009 ±111 - 916 ±111
Set Score: 3 - 2
Phil Sheen defeats John Rhee
Previous Rating: 1000 ±130 - 975 ±120
Rating Change: +71 - -60
New Rating: 1071 ±115 - 915 ±109
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mark Chapman Smith defeats Barry Lovelock
Previous Rating: 1043 ±40 - 950 ±120
Rating Change: +7 - -57
New Rating: 1050 ±40 - 893 ±105
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Rhee defeats Debbie Lovelock
Previous Rating: 915 ±109 - 916 ±111
Rating Change: +32 - -33
New Rating: 947 ±101 - 883 ±103
Set Score: 3 - 2
Phil Sheen defeats Mark Chapman Smith
Previous Rating: 1071 ±115 - 1050 ±40
Rating Change: +34 - -4
New Rating: 1105 ±105 - 1046 ±39
Set Score: 3 - 2
Barry Lovelock defeats Anthony Baguley
Previous Rating: 893 ±105 - 1009 ±111
Rating Change: +58 - -66
New Rating: 951 ±96 - 943 ±101
Set Score: 3 - 1
Mark Chapman Smith defeats Debbie Lovelock
Previous Rating: 1046 ±39 - 883 ±103
Rating Change: +1 - -11
New Rating: 1047 ±39 - 872 ±98
Set Score: 3 - 2
Phil Sheen defeats Anthony Baguley
Previous Rating: 1105 ±105 - 943 ±101
Rating Change: +13 - -12
New Rating: 1118 ±100 - 931 ±97
Set Score: 3 - 2
John Rhee defeats Barry Lovelock
Previous Rating: 947 ±101 - 951 ±96
Rating Change: +54 - -50
New Rating: 1001 ±92 - 901 ±89
Set Score: 3 - 0
Ange Chew defeats Mick Peterson
Previous Rating: 850 ±120 - 800 ±110
Rating Change: +43 - -36
New Rating: 893 ±109 - 764 ±102
Set Score: 3 - 1
Chris Orlowski defeats Dile Sofrenic
Previous Rating: 719 ±80 - 750 ±120
Rating Change: +27 - -62
New Rating: 746 ±76 - 688 ±107
Set Score: 3 - 1
Jeffrey Leach defeats John Thompson
Previous Rating: 800 ±110 - 700 ±100
Rating Change: +30 - -25
New Rating: 830 ±102 - 675 ±94
Set Score: 3 - 1
Ange Chew defeats Chris Orlowski
Previous Rating: 893 ±109 - 746 ±76
Rating Change: +24 - -11
New Rating: 917 ±102 - 735 ±73
Set Score: 3 - 1
Dile Sofrenic defeats John Thompson
Previous Rating: 688 ±107 - 675 ±94
Rating Change: +57 - -44
New Rating: 745 ±97 - 631 ±87
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mick Peterson defeats Jeffrey Leach
Previous Rating: 764 ±102 - 830 ±102
Rating Change: +37 - -37
New Rating: 801 ±94 - 793 ±94
Set Score: 3 - 2
Ange Chew defeats John Thompson
Previous Rating: 917 ±102 - 631 ±87
Rating Change: +15 - -11
New Rating: 932 ±97 - 620 ±84
Set Score: 3 - 0
Mick Peterson defeats Dile Sofrenic
Previous Rating: 801 ±94 - 745 ±97
Rating Change: +28 - -29
New Rating: 829 ±88 - 716 ±90
Set Score: 3 - 1
Chris Orlowski defeats Jeffrey Leach
Previous Rating: 735 ±73 - 793 ±94
Rating Change: +28 - -46
New Rating: 763 ±70 - 747 ±87
Set Score: 3 - 1
Len Yhap defeats John Clements
Previous Rating: 715 ±100 - 710 ±100
Rating Change: +38 - -38
New Rating: 753 ±93 - 672 ±93
Set Score: 3 - 1
Michael Kuhne defeats Anna Niec
Previous Rating: 715 ±100 - 700 ±100
Rating Change: +37 - -37
New Rating: 752 ±93 - 663 ±93
Set Score: 3 - 1
Lynn Parfitt defeats Tomoe Breene
Previous Rating: 700 ±100 - 715 ±100
Rating Change: +41 - -41
New Rating: 741 ±92 - 674 ±92
Set Score: 3 - 1
John Clements defeats Anna Niec
Previous Rating: 672 ±93 - 663 ±93
Rating Change: +33 - -33
New Rating: 705 ±86 - 630 ±86
Set Score: 3 - 1
Michael Kuhne defeats Lynn Parfitt
Previous Rating: 752 ±93 - 741 ±92
Rating Change: +45 - -45
New Rating: 797 ±86 - 696 ±85
Set Score: 3 - 0
Len Yhap defeats Tomoe Breene
Previous Rating: 753 ±93 - 674 ±92
Rating Change: +36 - -35
New Rating: 789 ±86 - 639 ±86
Set Score: 3 - 0
John Clements defeats Lynn Parfitt
Previous Rating: 705 ±86 - 696 ±85
Rating Change: +30 - -30
New Rating: 735 ±81 - 666 ±80
Set Score: 3 - 1
Len Yhap defeats Michael Kuhne
Previous Rating: 789 ±86 - 797 ±86
Rating Change: +22 - -22
New Rating: 811 ±81 - 775 ±81
Set Score: 3 - 2
Tomoe Breene defeats Anna Niec
Previous Rating: 639 ±86 - 630 ±86
Rating Change: +40 - -41
New Rating: 679 ±80 - 589 ±80
Set Score: 3 - 0

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