Padel GC Verified Matches

Padel Gold Coast


21 November 2022

Queensland, Australia

Ross Taylor defeats Dominic Bechard
Giovane Nucci Dan Mollica
Previous Rating: 1550 ±160 - 1550 ±165
Rating Change: +84 - -89
New Rating: 1634 ±141 - 1461 ±145
Set Score: 2 - 0
Craig Pickering defeats Chris Twigg
Justin Thomas Ryan Bougie
Previous Rating: 1400 ±190 - 1300 ±180
Rating Change: +59 - -53
New Rating: 1459 ±170 - 1247 ±163
Set Score: 2 - 1
Sam Bradshaw defeats Borja Herrero
Kyle Burtt Marc Marti
Previous Rating: 1400 ±190 - 1450 ±175
Rating Change: +121 - -103
New Rating: 1521 ±162 - 1347 ±154
Set Score: 2 - 0
Blazo Djurovic defeats Harrison Curr
Angello Vargas Thibaut Bousquet
Previous Rating: 1350 ±190 - 1350 ±185
Rating Change: +106 - -100
New Rating: 1456 ±164 - 1250 ±161
Set Score: 2 - 0
Ross Taylor defeats Giovane Nucci
Justin Thomas Craig Pickering
Previous Rating: 1475 ±175 - 1475 ±175
Rating Change: +71 - -71
New Rating: 1546 ±156 - 1404 ±156
Set Score: 2 - 1
Dominic Bechard defeats Dan Mollica
Chris Twigg Ryan Bougie
Previous Rating: 1425 ±175 - 1425 ±170
Rating Change: +71 - -67
New Rating: 1496 ±155 - 1358 ±152
Set Score: 2 - 1
Sam Bradshaw defeats Angello Vargas
Blazo Djurovic Kyle Burtt
Previous Rating: 1375 ±190 - 1375 ±190
Rating Change: +79 - -79
New Rating: 1454 ±168 - 1296 ±168
Set Score: 2 - 1
Dominic Bechard defeats Ross Taylor
Justin Thomas Chris Twigg
Previous Rating: 1475 ±180 - 1425 ±170
Rating Change: +64 - -57
New Rating: 1539 ±160 - 1368 ±154
Set Score: 2 - 1
Thibaut Bousquet defeats Marc Marti
Borja Herrero Harrison Curr
Previous Rating: 1350 ±185 - 1450 ±175
Rating Change: +101 - -91
New Rating: 1451 ±160 - 1359 ±154
Set Score: 2 - 1

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