GCTTA Spring21 Div1 W6

Gold Coast Table Tennis


28 October 2021

Queensland, Australia

Geoff Lamberton defeats Helen Barnett
Previous Rating: 1727 ±51 - 1342 ±52
Rating Change: +2 - -2
New Rating: 1729 ±51 - 1340 ±51
Set Score: 4 - 0
Jason Rawlings defeats Daniel Norris
Previous Rating: 1831 ±70 - 1342 ±57
Rating Change: +0 - +0
New Rating: 1831 ±70 - 1342 ±57
Set Score: 4 - 3
Helen Barnett defeats Daniel Norris
Previous Rating: 1340 ±51 - 1342 ±57
Rating Change: +12 - -14
New Rating: 1352 ±50 - 1328 ±55
Set Score: 4 - 2
Geoff Lamberton defeats Jason Rawlings
Previous Rating: 1729 ±51 - 1831 ±70
Rating Change: +16 - -30
New Rating: 1745 ±49 - 1801 ±66
Set Score: 4 - 2
Gary Walmsley defeats Martin Solomons
Previous Rating: 1408 ±46 - 1440 ±47
Rating Change: +15 - -15
New Rating: 1423 ±45 - 1425 ±46
Set Score: 4 - 1
James Penhaligon defeats Philip Vandeplassche
Previous Rating: 1462 ±49 - 1559 ±48
Rating Change: +19 - -19
New Rating: 1481 ±48 - 1540 ±47
Set Score: 4 - 1
Gary Walmsley defeats James Penhaligon
Previous Rating: 1423 ±45 - 1481 ±48
Rating Change: +8 - -9
New Rating: 1431 ±44 - 1472 ±46
Set Score: 4 - 3
Philip Vandeplassche defeats Martin Solomons
Previous Rating: 1540 ±47 - 1425 ±46
Rating Change: +7 - -7
New Rating: 1547 ±45 - 1418 ±45
Set Score: 4 - 1
Tony Webb defeats Joey Wang
Previous Rating: 1572 ±54 - 1447 ±45
Rating Change: +6 - -4
New Rating: 1578 ±53 - 1443 ±44
Set Score: 4 - 2
Matilda Alexandersson defeats Thomas Samuelsson
Previous Rating: 1846 ±65 - 1478 ±42
Rating Change: +3 - -1
New Rating: 1849 ±64 - 1477 ±42
Set Score: 4 - 0
Matilda Alexandersson defeats Joey Wang
Previous Rating: 1849 ±64 - 1443 ±44
Rating Change: +2 - -1
New Rating: 1851 ±63 - 1442 ±44
Set Score: 4 - 0
Thomas Samuelsson defeats Tony Webb
Previous Rating: 1477 ±42 - 1578 ±53
Rating Change: +9 - -15
New Rating: 1486 ±41 - 1563 ±51
Set Score: 4 - 3

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